Ahh vacation is over and I can return to my sketches.. funny how I'm more busy during vacation, going places and all that.
Anyways, umm. Tiger. ..I'll get back to that. In the meantime, I did a dragon sketch.

I'll refine the sketchy lines and go into more detail later, but I wanted to allow people to point out any blatant anatomical flaws.
I think the head is either too big or just positioned weirdly. The claws seem off somehow, but I'm not sure how to fix them. Also, the front and back legs might be too close together and the front right shoulder should protrude forward more to lead better into the chest. And now that I look at it, the line running through the middle of the neck shouldn't curve up at the end, but connect to the bottom of the lower jaw. I missed that during one of my head-redrawings.
When I flipped the image, the far wing immediately made me go O_____O because the top-left flap of skin looks thin enough to be a spike thing and I was so used to seeing it curve the other direction. Hopefully it won't be a problem once I add some values and differentiate parts of the wing from the background.
The panda is just there. It looks very flat. Poor panda.
I feel like I spent too much time on this sketch, but I kept redoing parts that didn't look right. My original sketch looked like:
