I don't know if this was said or not for bugs, but yesterday I was watching my brother play and when he went to loggin, thinking his accounts were the same something weird happened. His kongregate account is sassuk3, his ign is sasuk3. (-1 s is the difference.) He put his ign and password into the right column like your suppose to, THEN clicked link accounts. Wether this allowed him to log into a hackers account, idk, but he got 6 marks of time, 3 upped- the old version of mark of time mind you. He got an old version of the mark of aether, and a new one as well. He then got 1 of every nymph. He got all this, with losing almost every rare he had before. He did get to keep shard of freedom as the only shard he had at least 6 of, shard of divinity he got 3, 1 upped. He had 1 stack of shard of freedom at 11, 4 with 1, and another stack with ~5. This sort of multiple stacks also happened with his quantum pillars. Not only did he lose his rares, but he lost around 600 total cards. Idk if this is something to worry about or not because it couldn't save, even after doing a match against ai3 with the cards. The amber nymph when battaling appeared as no cost, but you couldnt lay it until you got 9

. This may have effected the mulligan. Even after the game against ai3 it wouldnt save. He simply refreshed after seeing how far the bug would stretch, and used his log in information then clicked log in, instead of link accounts and had everything normal.