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Purple Nymphs are needed. But if you have only 1-2 it's still ok by putting more antimatter in the deck.
I've fine tune the deck in several hundreds matches, and now every card in the deck is key card.
You'll need all of them to win.
purple nymph + quint = board creatures control (damage)
electrocutter = creature control (skill)
antimatter + butterfly effect = creature control (both skill and damage)
butterfly effect = permanent control
twins universe + quint= main damage sources
twins universe + butterfly effect = board permanent control
purple nymph / antimatter = healing
In conclude, it's a anti-FG deck with board creatures and permanents control with healing
It may be something complicated to play this deck:
1: put down purple nymph with quint ASAP or use antimatters until you get the nymph, if you done, you're probably win
2: keep using the nymphs' skill then you can live
3: play butterfly effect on an opponents' dragon or something with high negative attack
4: TU it, use the skill of purple nymph to make the attack positive again, then quint it (all in one turn)
5: keep making damage with that "Turn A", erase any shields and bonds
6: save 3 PUs in your hand for final hit to prevent miracles, TU 1 opponents' dragon, remove its negative status, then TU it again
Tricks that many people may not know:1. AI won't try to target and kill your creatures with negative attack (except for mass creatures control, eg retrovirus), so antimatter is a way to quint, also it let your creatures pass through fire shields. It's extremely epic.
(With the update of new patches, the AI is improved and they'll now kill your negative power creatures more likely.)
2. AI will lobo your creature with negative attack, you'll have to wait one more turn to play its ability, that mean you cannot use destroy skill after you play butterfly effect in the same turn, and it will being lobo again.
3. Butterfly effect have a lobo effect, with antimatter you can lobo any creatures (negative is smaller than 3), thus, for the growth creatures, let it growth, antimatter and butterfly on it in the same turn, then its attack is negative forever. TU it in later turns, you can get back your butterfly effect skill, which your opponents cannot use.
4. You can get EM easily, by adjusting opponents' life. If you will kill the AIs this turn and you're not in full life, you can antimatter your own creature to save your opponent life. Also antimatter the last creature played by the AIs. In case it don't play a new creature in its coming turn, you got the EM. So far the EM rate is more than 70%.
(with Silence the EM rate is more than 90%, and there are room for 1 Luciferin to get 100% EM)
Specific Strategiesonly 3 FG have to auto-quit:
Divine Glory
Dream Catcher
others are possible to win:
Take 10 matches for each FG as sample (win:lose)
All tests are in real game
Easy: Destiny (9:1)
she's slow, wait until she put a few chao power on one creature, then antimatter
the fallen druid maybe a trouble, but she has no permanent control, an Electrocutter can destroy her deck
I'll even sometimes don't lobo her eggs and have a better target for my twin parallel

Ferox (8:2)
no creature control, an early nymph or some antimatter on the dragons can easily stop her
start butterfly effect+TU at around 10+ cards left in your deck, boom up 2-3 bonds per turn then you win
Lose when being rushed or draw butterfly effect at very later game

Incarnate (9:1)
basically, you don't need to break through her bone wall. No need to explain, just put all the antimatter on the vampires. If you have an electrocutter, quint is not neccessary as all her creature control relies on creature skills. It's funny to destroy all the nightfall to see the vampires attack become negative 8. It maybe a trouble if she don't play nightfall early, but the chance is so low.

Miracle (8:2)
if your win rate is low, you're probably don't playing the deck right. Again, no creature control, larger creatures, very ideal for the purple nymph and antimatter. Its problem is miracle, you've to prevent she from playing it. TU a dragon early, beat her down to around 40-50HP, let one of her dragon be positive attack for the blessing, then TU 2-3 blessed dragon to end game. One important strick is: you can antimatter your dragon to adjust her life, and change suddenly, get it?

Paradox (7:3)
Same strick as miracle, more, you can lobo her RoLs. Let her concentrate her blessing on one target to at least 10/10, then TU it. Beware she can play 6+ TU in a turn, so if you don't have enough life yet and she have enough quantum, antimatter the large one or TU one only with quint.

Neptune (10:0)
She's pretty slow, you can wait until you draw the cards you need although bad draw. Basically, one ice dragon with butterfly and quint is enough to take her down. If you don't have enough quint, just antimatter your own creatures to use the nymphs' skill and the butterfly skill.

Obliterator (8:2)
Again, all are large creatures and good for antimatter. Very similar to the strategy for Neptune. You can lobo the shrieker to make you heal more. Also if you can antimatter all of her non-momentum creatures, her only creature control - gravity pull, can not even kill your things.

Gemini (7:3)
Similar strategy with Ferox, no creature control but only Electrocutter. Destroy her phase shield chain at middle late game just like the destroying the bonds, or you can just TU the momentum phase recluses.
Normal: Chaos Lord (5:5)
Fallen Druid is a trouble that mutate negative creatures, and she has permanent control to destroy your electrocutter (luckily not so many). But the druid sometimes won't use their skill if there are many negative creatures (need more testing to find out reason). So antimatter as much as you can. Once you find a suitable mutants, TU it for attack. If you want to play butterfly effect on them to destroy the dissipation field, you need one more antimatter because the TU mutants always have positive attack. Don't play butterfly on her creatures as they can use the destroy skill.

Dark Matter (3:7)
very depend on how frequent she play blackhole. You need electrocutter and butterfly effect to lobo his amber nymph. Play antimatter first but not purple nymph if don't have enough quantum to use the skill. TU her chargers with quint to pass through the healing armorgo.
Rainbow (3:7)
all her permanent control go to the towers. so sometimes it is more terrible than seism and you lose with no towers. TU a shrieker with quint early, allow one forest spectre to growth but antimmater all other things. TU 2-3 forest spectre with around 20 attack to end game which prevent miracle.
Fire Queen (5:5)
early electrocutter is needed for the queens. Sometimes she may play a few flying Eagles' Eye but no queen which give you more time to draw. Again, destroy here bonds and TU the Eagles' Eye. An electrocutter shut down her deck, quit if there are more than 1 queen on the field and you can't draw one electrocutter.

Octane (6:4)
you need all your cards to win, but stable when you get the cards. Antimatter on 1-2 flying Eagles' Eye can prevent you from dying if she play 1 unstable gas per 2 turns. Antimatter your own nymph to make it "quint" and also don't affect by the fire shield. Once you get your butterfly effect, you can destroy every unstable gas. Finally TU and quint the Eagles' Eye for winning. Lobo and butterfly on their Eagles' Eye can let you TU without quint.
Osiris (4:6)
an early electrocutter is a must, otherwise just quit. Also it's not easy to survive with antimatter as all her creatures have 3 attack only, but with lots of them. You'll need butterfly effect on her shield, if not your nymph won't fast enough to use antimatter on the pharaohs. (In 1.26 it becomes nearly immpossible as it will sacrifice all antimattered creatures with catapult)

Graviton (4:6)
let one of the firemaster growth, antimatter on the chargers and other firemaster (lobo to stop them growing),
play the butterfly>TU>antimatter set on the largest firemaster to win
Hard: Elidnis (1:9)
immaterial creatures make it so difficult, you need to antimatter some crawlers to overcome the damage of phase dragons,
let her forest spectre to growth and pray she don't play quint on them, then give the spectre the butterfly>TU>antimatter set

Eternal Phoenix (2:8 )
if she don't play an early ruby dragon, you lose
1 antimatter dragon can overcome about 4 minor phoenixs
Hermes (2:8 )
she has fire buckler with protect artifact which make it difficult
besides too many growth creature and hard to lobo them as she has many explosion
Morte (1:9)
too many small creatures, have chances if you can antimatter on some bone dragons

Scorpio (1:9)
early electrocutter is a must
can't win unless it play a few crawlers or dragon early, otherwise can't overcome the poison damage

Seism (2:8 )
depend on how early her quicksand, if she don't destroy all your towers early, you still have chance by playing towers one by one. Use the strategy to miracle as she has some stoneskin

total win rate among all FGs =0.43
win rate without 3 immpossible =0.5