There's too much going on. Having an extra set of towers for one card, that you may or may not draw before the towers or when you need it, will clog up your hand. Also, having one stone skin makes it so you are relying on having that card out of 34 when you're about to die, if you don't, its a waste of a card in the deck. The shards add healing, but they're taking the place of something else in your hand as well. The effectiveness of shrieker rush comes from the fact that you're playing 1 or 2 10 damage creatures nearly every turn, and this is slowed down by other cards clogging up your hand. Maybe its less boring, but its also less effective.
If you want to try a variation, I'd try adding maybe one or two cards, not 4 or 5 - the simpler, the better. Or you could try an earthquake / rewind variation where you cut off their quanta supply then rewind their creatures so they can't play them. However, if you like this and it works for you, keep going with it!