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Been using this deck in PVP to great success. It's a very defensive deck that wins either through a fire lance full kill or through your opponent decking out.
Strategy 1 - If your opponent has less cards than you
Put down your permanents one by one ensuring that you have a Protect Artifact ready to go down with them. The Fire Buckler will slowly kill your enemies creatures whilst your Shards will keep you alive. Use the Fire Storms and Fire Lances to kill any large creatures they might have, and the Explosions to counter weapons and offensive permanents. Wait it out until your opponent decks out.
Strategy 2 - If your opponent has more cards than you
As in Strategy 1, put down your permanents one by one ensuring that you have a Protect Artifact ready to go down with them. Use your Fire Storms and a maximum of 2 Fire Lances for creature control in combination with the Fire Buckler. Explosions take out any offensive permanents or weapons. Your shards should be able to keep you alive until you are ready to kill your opponent. Wait until you have the required fire quanta before burning down your opponent in one turn using your remaining fire lances.
The reason I have included two Fire Bucklers is because it is really important to play a Buckler + Protect Artifact early in the game. The shield is a massive counter against heaps of creatures - golems, unupped forest spirits, lycanthropes etc etc.
- Shrieker rushes can kill you if you don't draw a Fire Storm before they are able to get 6 on the table.
- Momentum heavy decks are a really good counter to this deck as they are able to bypass the fire shield.
- If the opponent gets a quinta'd Forest Spirit (upped, the 2/3 version) on the table early you have basically lost unless they somehow run out of quanta to keep growing it.