This deck was created for this month's Light Trials; the name is a reference to an episode of Adventure Time.
What do you get when you combine an Archangel with Momentum and Gravity Pull? You get a versatile combination of offense and defense that can deal with a huge variety of threats! This deck can deal with damage-based CC, powerful shields, plus it has strong offensive capabilities and powerful CC of its own. Strategy is VERY important when playing this deck!
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6rn 6rn 6rn 74a 74a 74a 74d 74d 74d 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7jo 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7k1 7k1 7k2 8pl
The Archangel is a powerful offensive force, but beyond that, it can be very difficult to remove from the field. The combination of Light with Gravity allows your Archangels to eliminate just about any enemy creature in one turn when using Gravity Pull offensively, and you get Momentum in the bargain. Be careful, though - it's not always wise to play Momentum on everything, since an Angel with Momentum can't destroy enemy creatures. Depending on your opponent, it may be wiser to hold back on Momentum until you've neutralized some large targets and gained the upper hand.
Gravity Pull can also be used defensively, but Angels cannot survive a one-turn beatdown... use this tactic only when desperate. It is also possible to Gravity Pull your own angel, then Momentum one or two enemy creatures to ensure your Angel survives a bit longer. I've pulled that off once or twice, it worked well but it's tricky.
The quantum balance on this deck seems very solid. With this many pillars, Archangels play pretty quickly.