I would be happy if it could be a good addition, as I have a couple of golden nymphs, but I can't see it adding much to the deck. If you simply add one to the deck, you would want to play it fast due to the hourglass effect, but then you would need a quint or anubis out (2 cards out of the whole deck) to protect it, or it would eventualy die to CC since it would be the only target for it (making you depend on an unlikely 2 card combo to use it early against most FG). The precog is a nice touch, and in some specific circunstances very useful, but most of the time it's not needed.
If you decided to use the nymph instead of GotP, it adds a precog bonus at the cost of more quanta and lower attack. If you decide to place one instead of a hourglass, it would also be more expensive, and prone to CC on top of that. Overall, it would add flexibility, but at the cost of efficiency, as it would be worse than GotP or Hourglass at what it does in this particular deck.