I've also beaten Jez twice by TU'ing a time nymph... Man does this deck run with a nymph out, its unbelievable. Do you think there is a place in this deck for a time nymph? how about a turquoise? thoughts?
Well, Turquoise defintely not, as Anubis is just better right now. Time Nymph is a little more interesting, as the thought of having an extra Hourglass in the deck is quite appealing. The problem is that at the end of the day, it is still one Hourglass for the price of two

(and the fact that it still considerable only shows how awesome Hourglass is in this deck). Another problem is that it is a creature, and the deck normally has the advantage that it basically turns all the opponents CC cards into dead cards. With Time Nymph you would have the problem that you ususally want to have it out fast, without having to wait for Quint, but then it is very likely to die to CC, as the opponent doesn't even have other targets for it.
In other news...
my stats are finished.

Some comments to it:
Winrate 67.6%... that's pretty damn high. I have to say though that I ran pretty well in a lot of those games. For example you shouldn't expect to win 60% against Dream Catcher. I just had a lot of fast Eternities.
Obliterator is highly dependant on whether he draws Pulverizer in the first couple turns, if he does you just lose. So you normally should expect a winrate around 30% against him.
Other matchups that can go that well, but don't have to are Eternal Phoenix, Gemini, Hermes and Rainbow.
On the other hand I felt like I should have a better chance against Akebono and Graviton. Against Akebono, once you have one Eternity out, the game is pretty much sealed, but I had multiple games where all of them were in the bottom 20 or so while he had an overdriven momentumed creature. Against Graviton I was a bit unlucky with my draws and his Explosion topdecks.
I was positively surprised how the Osiris matchup played out. I expected to lose a bunch of games to his catapults, but even when he had his catapult-scarab engine going, I was still able to race him with a Fractal GotP OHK. GotP really shines here.
If you have any specific questions regarding the matchups feel free to ask them here.

- shortest ttw so far: 10 turns
- highest ttw so far: 53 turns
(A cookie if you can guess the opponents for those two games