Just had a quick interview about the deck with 10 men in Chat. Noobiecakes also had a chance to talk to him too :3
[03:54:44 PM] pikachufan2164: Any thoughts on how Eternal Chaos and Eternal Concordance are faring in v1.27, 10 men? :3
[03:55:29 PM] 10 men: Eternal Chaos sucks as always (Dunes don't like me)

[03:55:48 PM] 10 men: Eternal Concordance is awesome as always
[03:56:14 PM] 10 men: GotP is pretty good
[03:56:22 PM] pikachufan2164: What about the GotP variation? Is that any better than your variation?
[03:56:28 PM] 10 men: It can replace a TU
[03:56:57 PM] 10 men: I don't understand why noobiecakes added a second quint
[03:57:29 PM] 10 men: I'm not sure if I agree with cutting the second AW, but it might be worth a try
[04:00:33 PM] 10 men: Oh, and proest tip of all concerning Time-Aether stall:
[04:00:43 PM] 10 men: Never cut Hourglasses
[04:01:00 PM] 10 men: You play 6 because Zanz doesn't let you play 10
[04:01:05 PM] pikachufan2164:

[04:01:27 PM] pikachufan2164: Draw consistency FTW
[04:02:08 PM] pikachufan2164: 10 men, didn't you use 6 SoGs in the version that you posted in the Eternal Concordance thread?
[04:02:26 PM] 10 men: that was when it still cost 2

[04:03:06 PM] 10 men: 3 and 2 is quite the difference in a duo deck
[04:03:55 PM] pikachufan2164: So true
[04:05:08 PM] pikachufan2164: So would you recommend -1 Quint +1 Flying Weapon, then?
[04:05:49 PM] 10 men: definitely -1 Quint
[04:06:18 PM] 10 men: you can try to run with only one AW
[04:06:55 PM] 10 men: But your matchup against Firequeen, Paradox might suffer
[04:07:29 PM] 10 men: against those you often need 4 eternities
[04:07:52 PM] 10 men: also fast eternity lock is useful against many gods
[04:08:07 PM] 10 men: so yeah, I'd probably still run 2 AW
[04:08:15 PM] pikachufan2164: Mhm :3
[04:26:16 PM] Noobiecakes: 10 men, thanks for the feedback. That second quint is necessary to use to get my Anubis/ Flying Eternity out so I can protect more creatures, i think.
[04:27:07 PM] Noobiecakes: the second AW is only useful if I manage to get the eternities quinted.
[04:28:04 PM] 10 men: Well, more quints won't help you get a quinted eternity earlier if you reduce the number of AWs

[04:29:09 PM] Noobiecakes: it's for the fast quinted anubis, which then i can quint the fractaled GotP against Neptune, and other CC gods.
[04:30:03 PM] 10 men: But you don't really need to be fast against neptune do you?
[04:30:29 PM] 10 men: Just sit behind HG and Shield
[04:30:47 PM] Noobiecakes: pretty much, yeah.
[04:31:18 PM] Noobiecakes: Sometimes I just don't dare to fly that Eternity, in fear of it getting destroyed.
[04:32:31 PM] 10 men: Well, I often fly an eternity and play a bunch of fractalled creatures
[04:32:35 PM] Noobiecakes: How about 2 AW, 2 QT then 10 men?
[04:32:53 PM] Noobiecakes: uhm, fast lock is awesome.
[04:33:08 PM] 10 men: anubis gets targeted over flying eternity
[04:33:46 PM] Noobiecakes: ah, so it'll be safe for 1 turn...that's useful.
[04:33:56 PM] 10 men: I'd keep the number of early game blanks as low as possible
[04:34:11 PM] Noobiecakes: after the anubis dies, eternity is next

that's why I need that 2 quint.