Hrm. So I guess SN nerf didn't really do any terribly earthshaking to this deck, did it?
Too bad Akebono's Sundial targeting won't let this deck farm him; some upped SoF would be nice. 
aha nope, it didn't affect much. I personally think, it barely changed anything. (You can actually summon a Singularity 2-3 turns before you OTK (with two hourglasses+sundial) and you'll be fine) (Even summoning a lot of them at the end doesn't do anything,
IF you don't need to use Chimera against the FG.
BUT if you do need Chimera against that FG, you'll be risking a possibility of too many minuses in the total 234 OTK damage)
Anyhow~ after some grinding, I've beaten Akebono 2/5 times

. Well, I admit in those wins, I did get pretty good draws (such as 1 or 2 hoursglasses and 2 time towers+SN) in addition to Akebono's intelligent decisions to accelerate his SoF's in the beginning turns since he had no other creatures.
Overall, I take back what I said earlier; you prob don't wanna skip Akebono because you have a chance of getting an upped SoF
