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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #408 on: April 14, 2012, 08:34:33 pm »
So... did Singularity kill this deck?

Not at all. There's very little effect to it. Just play your SNs once a turn and you'll be fine.

actually in almost half the games i played using this deck required me to play several Snovas per turn to keep the draw rate... so until i complete poison dials, i'm going back to limitless speed

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #409 on: April 14, 2012, 08:36:49 pm »
You're almost certainly playing it wrong then (no offense). You should almost never require multiple SNs per turn. Keep in mind that playing all the HGs is not at all necessary and is completely counterproductive since you're already losing quanta.
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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #410 on: April 14, 2012, 08:38:16 pm »
Only time you'd really need to chain SN is if your hand is clogged or you want to get out an hourglass faster.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #411 on: April 14, 2012, 08:51:15 pm »
So... did Singularity kill this deck?

But Ai targeting sundial probably hits this deck pretty damn hard.

Calindu and I wrote it already.
This is the real nerf.
The Singularity is in my oppinion nothing against this.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #412 on: April 14, 2012, 09:57:58 pm »
With 1.3 Instosis seems to be more nerfed than I thought. The SN-nerf hurts it not that much.
But in a match against Obliterator a few minutes ago he destroyed my Sundial instead of a hourglass
and killed me.  :o

Edit: Graviton did the same. Seems that the AI now prefers to destroy Sundials over hourglasses.  :'(

Wellll :) when I play, it doesn't seem that 1.3 affected this deck. Even if I do summon a Singularity (if you play correctly, you'll summon 1 at most), it attacks first (because you summon it first) making the OTK damage not lessen at all. The thing is, now, Akebono has shard of focus  :(.. So unless you get really lucky and he doesn't draw it, or he overdrives them, he'll target your Sundials for a gg.  )': I suggest skipping this FG for 1.3

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #413 on: April 14, 2012, 10:12:43 pm »
With 1.3 Instosis seems to be more nerfed than I thought. The SN-nerf hurts it not that much.
But in a match against Obliterator a few minutes ago he destroyed my Sundial instead of a hourglass
and killed me.  :o

Edit: Graviton did the same. Seems that the AI now prefers to destroy Sundials over hourglasses.  :'(

Wellll :) when I play, it doesn't seem that 1.3 affected this deck. Even if I do summon a Singularity (if you play correctly, you'll summon 1 at most), it attacks first (because you summon it first) making the OTK damage not lessen at all. The thing is, now, Akebono has shard of focus  :(.. So unless you get really lucky and he doesn't draw it, or he overdrives them, he'll target your Sundials for a gg.  )': I suggest skipping this FG for 1.3
Akebono has focus? Wha-? I thought false gods don't have shards.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #414 on: April 14, 2012, 10:36:43 pm »
Well, apparently Akebono, and another one or two if I remember correctly, have been given Shards.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #415 on: April 14, 2012, 10:46:03 pm »
Someone tell the FG deck thread to update.
My 3 game-modification principles:
1. If it ain't broke, don't wreck it.
2. Simple fixes for simple problems.
3. Remember to fill in the holes.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #416 on: April 14, 2012, 11:41:30 pm »
Well, apparently Akebono, and another one or two if I remember correctly, have been given Shards.
Shocking! Everything I've known has been dumped on its head!

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #417 on: April 15, 2012, 03:40:29 am »
Hrm. So I guess SN nerf didn't really do any terribly earthshaking to this deck, did it?

Too bad Akebono's Sundial targeting won't let this deck farm him; some upped SoF would be nice. ;)
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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #418 on: April 15, 2012, 04:01:09 am »
Akebono and Osiris have shards (of Focus). This is quite possibly temporary.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 04:05:28 am by bogtro »
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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #419 on: April 15, 2012, 05:56:36 am »
Hrm. So I guess SN nerf didn't really do any terribly earthshaking to this deck, did it?

Too bad Akebono's Sundial targeting won't let this deck farm him; some upped SoF would be nice. ;)
aha nope, it didn't affect much. I personally think, it barely changed anything. (You can actually summon a Singularity 2-3 turns before you OTK (with two hourglasses+sundial) and you'll be fine) (Even summoning a lot of them at the end doesn't do anything, IF you don't need to use Chimera against the FG. BUT if you do need Chimera against that FG, you'll be risking a possibility of too many minuses in the total 234 OTK damage)

Anyhow~ after some grinding, I've beaten Akebono 2/5 times  :D. Well, I admit in those wins, I did get pretty good draws (such as 1 or 2 hoursglasses and 2 time towers+SN) in addition to Akebono's intelligent decisions to accelerate his SoF's in the beginning turns since he had no other creatures.

Overall, I take back what I said earlier; you prob don't wanna skip Akebono because you have a chance of getting an upped SoF ;).
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 07:14:33 am by d1puffpuff »

