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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #372 on: March 19, 2012, 06:11:13 pm »
The difference between what you got what I got is mine is hypothetical and yours is real time. In theory you should average what I have but in practice, it might not be that way every time. If you flip a coin, you should get 50% tails, but even after 200 times you could have 60% heads and 40% tails.

For my 15k score deck,that 5k came from this deck.Thank you very much. :)
You are welcome
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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #373 on: March 19, 2012, 11:19:01 pm »

@Sevs : I just wanted to create an account and tell you how well beneficial this deck has been to me . I've completed 6 copies of every buyable card and am only missing less than 20 rares till a full base collection . Not to mention it's completely funded 4 fully upped decklists , including the list I use to grind Plat and Bronze .

/insert commercial music
This message was fully funded by Instosis .

So thank you .

Proud member of Team :time in War #6 =]
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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #374 on: March 20, 2012, 01:12:25 am »
Totally random idea. How would silence fit into this? For people without all the shards, I mean, if you ready a mitosising dragon, you can then silence to prevent any spells from hurting it, then pop a free dragon out before applying more shards. Of course, this would mean dr shields would be more effective, and this would only work if there was not any weapon that had control, or creature with a control ability on the field.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #375 on: March 20, 2012, 01:41:50 am »
Totally random idea. How would silence fit into this? For people without all the shards, I mean, if you ready a mitosising dragon, you can then silence to prevent any spells from hurting it, then pop a free dragon out before applying more shards. Of course, this would mean dr shields would be more effective, and this would only work if there was not any weapon that had control, or creature with a control ability on the field.
wich means you could totally add cloak in that combo for total invulnerability... or simply quint the mitosed dragon should be easier no :P ?

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #376 on: March 20, 2012, 01:49:02 am »
Totally random idea. How would silence fit into this? For people without all the shards, I mean, if you ready a mitosising dragon, you can then silence to prevent any spells from hurting it, then pop a free dragon out before applying more shards. Of course, this would mean dr shields would be more effective, and this would only work if there was not any weapon that had control, or creature with a control ability on the field.
wich means you could totally add cloak in that combo for total invulnerability... or simply quint the mitosed dragon should be easier no :P ?
well quint would mean that you can't add more SoRs, but yeah. Cloak could be an idea. It wouldn't really be an OTK anymore, but it could help the people who lack shards.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #377 on: March 20, 2012, 02:01:08 am »
Totally random idea. How would silence fit into this? For people without all the shards, I mean, if you ready a mitosising dragon, you can then silence to prevent any spells from hurting it, then pop a free dragon out before applying more shards. Of course, this would mean dr shields would be more effective, and this would only work if there was not any weapon that had control, or creature with a control ability on the field.
I guess I dont see how this would improve the deck, to do that combo you would need 4 cards why not just wait till 7-8? especially when there is 1 copy of mitosis and 1 dragon. And by the point you would be playing that silence, there would be a considerable amount of damage on the FG's field, silence doesnt stop any damage already there. If you wanted to protect yourself from that damage then you would play sundial essentially negating the silence in the first place.

As for people without shards, by the time you draw all the needed card 1 dragon 1 shard 1 mitosis, you probably are close to decking out. and it would take 3 unprotected turns (39+52+130/w skyblitz) + 2 silences, lasting 2 full turns would be almost impossible without changing the entire build. not to mention its weakness to healing decks, and creature or weapon control.
"Elements is the greatest game ever made" - Abraham Lincoln

Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #378 on: March 20, 2012, 08:07:42 pm »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 74g 7ap 7n9 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q6 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7qb 7qb 8pj
  what do you think about this version? :)

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #379 on: March 20, 2012, 10:30:07 pm »
I think it won't draw as fast and will be more starved on  :time, but I haven't tried so I may be wrong. My thoughts were based on the average amount each hourglass has to draw to draw everything.
Hey there

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #380 on: March 21, 2012, 05:46:42 am »
The difference between what you got what I got is mine is hypothetical and yours is real time. In theory you should average what I have but in practice, it might not be that way every time. If you flip a coin, you should get 50% tails, but even after 200 times you could have 60% heads and 40% tails.

Yup, quite familiar with the binomial distribution.  This is a bit more complicated than that however.   Anyhow, thanks for the deck.

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #381 on: March 31, 2012, 08:31:29 am »
I like this deck a lot.
Thanks Sevs. well done.

I am using this deck ( with slightly modifications) to grind Platinum. ( cos I still don't have all shards )

This is the variant i use right now.

by Troh
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 7ap 7gq 7gq 7n9 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q6 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7tb 7te 8pj

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #382 on: March 31, 2012, 08:45:03 am »
Looks rather fun, I'mma give this a go and probably edit this comment :P

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Re: Instosis [FG][OTK][Arena] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #383 on: March 31, 2012, 09:35:54 am »
I like this deck a lot.
Thanks Sevs. well done.

I am using this deck ( with slightly modifications) to grind Platinum. ( cos I still don't have all shards )

This is the variant i use right now.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 7ap 7gq 7gq 7n9 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q6 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7tb 7te 8pj

Don't you need 4 SoR for Instosis? You have 4 in your deck? *confused*
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