I have not recorded the stats (sorry, I was too lazy for that) but I did play several hundred games farming FGs in the past few weeks using this deck. I have my own rating system for the FGs where I rank them in 0-5 range, where 0 means impossible to beat, 1 means you have very little chance (less than 10%) to win, 3 for roughly 50-50 chance (maybe 40-60%), and finally 5 for the very easy ones where you almost always win (except for some horrible bad draw). I have been using this system for RoL/Hope, Limitless-speed, voodoo-panic and most recently for Instosis. Each time I setup my numbers initially based on the stats posted on this forum, but then I adjust them if I keep getting results that are not consistent with the expectations. Here are my current numbers for Instosis:
False-god | spin | rating | CC-PC | limit |
Akebono | 48% | 5 | no-PC | C50HP |
Chaos-Lord | 34% | 2 | CC+PC | C50HP |
Dark-Matter | 36% | 1 | CC+PC | C50HP |
Decay | 50% | 2 | CC+PC | C50HP |
Destiny | 38% | 5 | no-PC | ~25HP |
Divine-Glory | 54% | 3 | no-CC | ~50HP |
Dream-Catcher | 33% | 1 | CC+PC | ~50HP |
Elidnis | 33% | 5 | no-PC | ~30HP |
Eternal-Phoenix | 46% | 2 | CC+PC | ~50HP |
Ferox | 38% | 5 | None | ~30HP |
Fire-Queen | 43% | 4 | no-PC | ~50HP |
Gemini | 42% | 5 | no-PC | ~30HP |
Graviton | 40% | 3 | CC+PC | C50HP |
Hecate | 45% | 3 | CC+PC | C60HP |
Hermes | 34% | 2 | CC+PC | ~60HP |
Incarnate | 41% | 4 | no-PC | C30HP |
Jezebel | 49% | 1 | CC+PC | ~50HP |
Lionheart | 40% | 5 | no-PC | ~30HP |
Miracle | 33% | 4 | None | ~30HP |
Morte | 33% | 3 | no-PC | C70HP |
Neptune | 40% | 4 | no-PC | ~50HP |
Obliterator | 41% | 4 | CC+PC | ~50HP |
Octane | 49% | 1 | CC+PC | ~1FW |
Osiris | 47% | 5 | no-PC | ~60HP |
Paradox | 41% | 5 | no-PC | ~30HP |
Rainbow | 32% | 2 | CC+PC | ~ASAP |
Scorpio | 32% | 4 | no-PC | ~6P |
Seism | 36% | 4 | CC+PC | ~30HP |
Serket | 41% | 3 | None | ~6poison |
- spin chance of getting a card in the spin
- rating the above explained difficulty rating
- CC-PC indicates whether the god has creature and/or permanent control
- limit safe health limit to start your sundial chain, if first character is 'C' it indicates that you need the Chimera
I have downgraded Jezebel to 1, because it is a wild-card case, to often has too many steals to deal with and then pulls a black-hole nymph or unstable-gas.
I used to have dark-matter rated 0, but I upgraded him to 1, because I beat him twice, nevertheless, the 1-rated gods should still be skipped IMHO if you are going for earning/time ratio.