Saw this deck appear earlier today. Thought to myself, "Neat."
Then I noticed the overwhelming number of praise replies that appeared in such a short amount of time and decided to go FG hunting for the first time in waaaay too long.
Here's my impression of the deck after 11 games (feel free to facepalm with me at the play mistakes):
Game 1: Jezebel.
LossStole everything like the kleptomaniac she is. Then she got an early Amber can probably deduce the rest.
Game 2: Rainbow
LossOne of those games where Rainbow decided to draw every bit of PC zanz ever invented. Funny how it seemed to use Steals on Hourglass and Explosions on Sundials as well...
Game 3: Serket
Loss - Playing mistake
Normal Serket duel. Average amount of quanta early, creatures soon after. I started trying to chain Sundial way too soon and didn't draw any to save me from the Poison damage. You can really tell it's been too long since I've decided to grind FGs >_>
Game 4: Ferox
WinEasy, easy duel. Just chained Sundials and drew cards like normal. Deck played out to perfection.
Game 5: Obliterator
LossPulvy on turn 2, but the real problem was that I couldn't draw Mitosis because it was the very last card in my deck.
Game 6: Jezebel
LossSo close! Everything was going perfectly until the second to last turn she activates BH from her Gravity Nymph. This wasn't going to be a problem at first because I still had another SN to draw to give me more than enough quanta to play everything...but then SoR decided to steal 2

meaning that I couldn't Sky Blitz.
Game 7: Destiny
WinEasy. Fate Eggs said hello, started Sundial chaining. Close to an EM, but an Eternity decided to show its trollface to stop this. Mitosis was the last card in my deck again, but I had plenty of stall power to make this inconsequential.
Game 8: Destiny
Loss - Playing mistake
Yeah, this was embarrassing. Perfect duel until I decided to try and win a turn sooner by playing a Sundial from my hand and taking a chance to draw my 4th SoR. It worked! So then I went off without thinking and set off the entire combination, ending with a Chimera. Then when I end my turn I notice my Chimera doesn't attack. Turns out that Sundial stops your creatures too; convenient time to not pay attention to this *facedesk* Destiny then rewound my Chimera, causing me to quit.
Game 9: Ferox
Loss - Playing mistake
Needed another Sundial but couldn't draw it in time. I probably could have won had I not started chaining Sundials too early
Game 10: Paradox
WinEasy duel. Sundial chain broke a time or two, but Paradox's damage output was too low for it to matter.
Game 11: Decay
LossTried playing it through just for the heck of it...denied my

with a single Pest and then played two more Pests the turn after. I quit immediately.
All in all, if I wasn't so rusty with FG grinding I would have been much more successful. It probably takes a few more games to get the Sundial timing down, but after that I'd imagine it to be a walk in the park. I would easily recommend this to anyone looking for a fun, effective, and fast FG grinder.