Ok, first of all this is the first deck i've built, and if i have any gramar mistakes you'll have to excuse me... i am Portuguese.
i've been playing with the new cards and since i saw posts about overdrive with armagio but strangely no deck with it, i decided to try and build it
I have to say even though its not OP at all they can grow pretty scary
The idea of the deck is pulling out the combo Armagio+overdrive+momentum+quint
having an unstopabble indestructible self-growing scary mean machine
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6rn 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 746 746 746 746 746 74a 74a 74b 74b 74f 74i 74i 74i 74i 74i 75m 75m 80h 80h 8pu
?? are overdrives
the main strategy is overdriving an armagio or two and stalling with the rest (if you have to)
the momentum and quint are only necessary against specific decks mostly rainbow with rewinds eternity or antimatter, and aether decks with lobo or phase shields
...most of the times its wiser to momentumt+quint your otyugh (if you get it)
againgst rush decks you usually have to change your strategy: stalling first, eat creatures with otyugh untill you can overdrive an armagio... you cant outrush them
mostly the deck is slow but the armagios will grow to a point where no healing is enough (as long as you can survive)
i've lost a few games to many kinds of decks, main problems seem to be not enough mana or not good enough stall could use some PC too as weapons are not stoped by gravity pull
even though i havent kept statistics i would say around 80-90% winrate vs T50
ttw i would say around 9 or 10
my fastest game was 7 - got the OD armagio on turn 2 (5 towers on first hand)
usually with a little luck you can do it on turn 3 and its very rare for the game to last more than 14 turns
My first version had -shard -black hole +quint + otyugh, i started tweeking with it and i would even like to add more shards and BH but i fell there's no room in the deck
any suggestions/comments are welcomed
P.S. Liked it better +4/-2 (that was a real overdrive...)