Does SoFreedom affect Maxwell's Demon? I don't remember it being airborne.It is Airborne, therefore yes.
It looks pretty well built except you dont need so many sof mabey -2sof +1usefull entropy card and +1 usefull life card?The exact # of SoFre seems to be up to debate, but I generally use 5. If you want to use 3, go ahead. Without at least 4, I just find it a bit odd. but yes, if you want to take out 2 SoFre, go ahead, you can even take out a nova as well. You can put in more pends, antimatter for stall, or frogs for padding and to soak up the excess :life.
Furball, I feel that you are obsessed with SoFre.The title "SoFre Engineer" is there for a reason.
Oh em gee, delta G equals delta H minus T delta S! The horrors!Yay chem/phys. I chose the name because it was the first scientific thing I could think of including free. I agree, 6 attackers is a bit lacking (I'd usually say 8 ), but the SoFrepi combo powers them up. You just have to watch out for control. I usually don't use SoFre unless I have epi or airborne creatures or need the PC.
Thermos aside, relying solely on 6 attackers isn't the way to go. Plus, 4 SoFres should be enough for 1 in early game and 2 in mid game (pretty much what you need). Unless you want a crazy critical crisis, 4 is enough. The epis themselves are already beatstick-ish. 6 epis are also... a bit too much. Often is that 1-2 will be dead in your hand. i prefer a 6-5 or 5-4 line with my creature+buff (as in mummy grinder). Then, you can safely do a pillar/pend split.
Why pillar pend split? Because :entropy dragons are one hell of a beatstick on their own. Although the crit damage is not as awesome as maxwell epi crit (18 more-a bit worse than the theoretical 5-5-5-5), it is now less reliant on the 2 card combos. Not even too much on SoFre, too.
Side note, Maxwell's Demon has something to do with negative entropy IIRC...
And yes, I remember when trying the deja-epi-sofre-momentum stuff, the dejavu seems to attack 5 times... is it intended, or do I need new glasses?