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Deck Ideas => Archived Decks => Topic started by: furballdn on July 27, 2012, 01:34:42 am

Title: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: furballdn on July 27, 2012, 01:34:42 am
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Deck import code : [Select]
4vj 4vj 4vj 6s6 6s6 6s6 6s6 6s6 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tt 6tt 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7an 7an 7an 7an 7an 7an 8pn

Gogo maxwell demon. It's quite pricey at 5 :entropy, but they come with some of their own control which is nice. I used pends since it can almost guarantee a maxwell with epi in the first few turns, but if anyone has a better pillar/pend distribution, I would love to hear it. Yes, you do end up with excess :life, and when the game drags on, you do get plenty of excess :entropy as well. the reason that I still kept it at 10 pends is for a good opening hand, you need the quanta early on. And yeah, only 6 creatures and relying on a 2-3 card combo isn't that great, but I felt I might as well get the SoFrepi combo for maxwell done.
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: Thurhame on July 27, 2012, 01:56:43 am
Does SoFreedom affect Maxwell's Demon? I don't remember it being airborne.
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: buritosrfood on July 27, 2012, 01:58:57 am
It looks pretty well built except you dont need so many sof mabey -2sof +1usefull entropy card and +1 usefull life card?
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: willng3 on July 27, 2012, 01:59:15 am
Does SoFreedom affect Maxwell's Demon? I don't remember it being airborne.
It is Airborne, therefore yes.
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: furballdn on July 27, 2012, 02:00:45 am
It looks pretty well built except you dont need so many sof mabey -2sof +1usefull entropy card and +1 usefull life card?
The exact # of SoFre seems to be up to debate, but I generally use 5. If you want to use 3, go ahead. Without at least 4, I just find it a bit odd. but yes, if you want to take out 2 SoFre, go ahead, you can even take out a nova as well. You can put in more pends, antimatter for stall, or frogs for padding and to soak up the excess :life.
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: Opsinis on July 28, 2012, 01:00:11 pm
Furball, I feel that you are obsessed with SoFre.
Anyways, looks good, 5 shards seems completely reasonable.
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: Absol on July 28, 2012, 01:51:39 pm
Furball, I feel that you are obsessed with SoFre.
The title "SoFre Engineer" is there for a reason.
Anyway, grats for yet another SoFrepi deck.
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: Mathematistic on July 28, 2012, 01:52:00 pm
Oh em gee, delta G equals delta H minus T delta S! The horrors!
Thermos aside, relying solely on 6 attackers isn't the way to go. Plus, 4 SoFres should be enough for 1 in early game and 2 in mid game (pretty much what you need). Unless you want a crazy critical crisis, 4 is enough. The epis themselves are already beatstick-ish. 6 epis are also... a bit too much. Often is that 1-2 will be dead in your hand. i prefer a 6-5 or 5-4 line with my creature+buff (as in mummy grinder). Then, you can safely do a pillar/pend split.
Why pillar pend split? Because :entropy dragons are one hell of a beatstick on their own. Although the crit damage is not as awesome as maxwell epi crit (18 more-a bit worse than the theoretical 5-5-5-5), it is now less reliant on the 2 card combos. Not even too much on SoFre, too.

Side note, Maxwell's Demon has something to do with negative entropy IIRC...

And yes, I remember when trying the deja-epi-sofre-momentum stuff, the dejavu seems to attack 5 times... is it intended, or do I need new glasses?
Title: Re: Gibbs Free Energy [Entropy][Life]
Post by: furballdn on July 28, 2012, 09:02:32 pm
Oh em gee, delta G equals delta H minus T delta S! The horrors!
Thermos aside, relying solely on 6 attackers isn't the way to go. Plus, 4 SoFres should be enough for 1 in early game and 2 in mid game (pretty much what you need). Unless you want a crazy critical crisis, 4 is enough. The epis themselves are already beatstick-ish. 6 epis are also... a bit too much. Often is that 1-2 will be dead in your hand. i prefer a 6-5 or 5-4 line with my creature+buff (as in mummy grinder). Then, you can safely do a pillar/pend split.
Why pillar pend split? Because :entropy dragons are one hell of a beatstick on their own. Although the crit damage is not as awesome as maxwell epi crit (18 more-a bit worse than the theoretical 5-5-5-5), it is now less reliant on the 2 card combos. Not even too much on SoFre, too.

Side note, Maxwell's Demon has something to do with negative entropy IIRC...

And yes, I remember when trying the deja-epi-sofre-momentum stuff, the dejavu seems to attack 5 times... is it intended, or do I need new glasses?
Yay chem/phys. I chose the name because it was the first scientific thing I could think of including free. I agree, 6 attackers is a bit lacking (I'd usually say 8 ), but the SoFrepi combo powers them up. You just have to watch out for control. I usually don't use SoFre unless I have epi or airborne creatures or need the PC.

This was also a small experiment for me using pends. I don't usually use them, so I tried experimenting with them a bit.

Yeah maxwell's demon is based on negative entropy, but I chose it for its decent 3|5 stats. Shame at the cost. I would love a vanilla maxwell for -2 cost.

Epi allows 4 (5 if attack is 0) attacks max with the cards in the game so far. Deja vu with momentum is 3 atk, so that with SoFre would turn into 4 hits of 5 each.