Note: Izaya isn't using my deck. (S)he's using
mark..Ekki, I see mistakes with the way you say you play/would play this deck. Having more forum posts than me doesn't mean you know how to play a deck better than me that I've been using for a while. I've been playing various card games and video games in general for years, and hate to toot my own horn, but I'm rather good at playing them and very good at math. I catch on to some things rather fast, and this is one of those things. I'm not trying to cut you down or anything but when that's all you do to me, surely you can understand my frustration. I've yet to try this deck extensively with taking out the

cards though, so I don't know if it was an improvement or not. Anyway, her'es just a list of a few things I found with your opinions on FG battles:
Decay - The AI tends to use Lobo and Siphon on Scarabs, and usually doesn't even seem to care if they kill the Scarab or not with Siphon (and there's usually not a "follow-up" Siphon if they don't). With at least 1 new Scarab a turn, there's no way this is ever a problem.
Destiny - My deck can be semi-immune to RT spam, by not using RT myself. The AI doesn't want to RT a Mummy.
Divine Glory This deck hits hard enough late-game that decking out isn't an issue. Even a full field of Pharoahs and Scarabs with no Mummies that have never devoured anything hurts over 1/3 of their max HP per turn. It's not hard to hit 1/2 if needed.
Elidnis - The AI seems to ALWAYS use TU on a Scarab, probably thinking it'll retain the high HP. It doesn't. It's easily nomnomed by any of my Scarabs. Also, immortal creatures are not a problem, really.

decks are weak. I just nomnom my own scarabs until I draw Chimrea, then instawin.
Gemini Lobo and TU aren't really a problem, as I said before. Targetting the highest-HP scarab each turn iwth that is pretty fail.
Graviton - Gravity Shields are problematic, but you just have to be smart. Mummies can always get through (unless he raises their HP). Just keep 5 Scarabs, 1 of which has higher HP to nomnom things. Nomnom your own free scarab each round to keep the bone wall up and the HP rising if he has nothing to nomnom for you.
Hecate - The AI sucks at decks with Voodoo dolls. Period. Plus, they can be RT'ed if necessary but it's not a problem.
Hermes - You do realize Scarabs' HP goes up by at least 1 every turn, right? That shield only hurts one. As you said, the golems start with 1 HP. So...what's the problem? O.o
Incarnate - You do realize Scarabs' HP goes up by at least 1 every turn, right? 1 Retrovirus is n't a problem. The 2nd one comes too late to help. Win.
Jezebel - Scarabs don't need to nomnom the enemy. They can nom each other if the Bone Wall needs it.
Lionheart - Again, Mummyrush.
Miracle - Do I need to explain why this isn't a problem? I'm starting to feel like this is redundant...
Morte - He feeds my Bone Walls to make me invincible, basically. Just nomnom Condors before they get too high. And, this is why I added Purify, but I admit it's a much lower winrate without one.
Neptune - Flooding = Gravity Shield, give or take a few details. Same general strategy though. And...Chimera/Titan.
Obliterator - Diamond Shield is a main reason I want to add Steal/Deflag if I get rid of my

cards...but yeah,

is definitely my biggest weakness.
Scorpio - Yeah, that's why I added Purify. But venomous creatures aren't a problem. Plenty of Scarabs. By the way, octopi is with 1 'i', and the plural of virus is viruses (I think). Just a random thought. As far as I can recall, radii is the only word that ends in 2 i's (skiing has 2 i's, but for a totally unrelated reason and it's in the middle...).
Note: If I didn't reply to your overview of a FG, then I pretty much thoguht you were right, whether it be negative or positive.