Do you really need those solar bucklers? Why not go with turtle shield?
I think you'll succeed in rewinding the opponents creatures alot, but your crusaders are vulnerable to CC like this.
It all depends on wich opponent you are facing. What did you plan to use this deck for? AI3/Top50/PvP/etc
I wanted to make the set up of the crusaders as fast as possible while providing some little defense. The quantum won wit the shield helps.
Also thought on the turtle shield, i will try it better later, but don't the time quantum is a Must when i don't draw a shard readiness at early turns.
Exactly, my big problem is to get a way to counter the enemy CC and PC on early turns, specially the CC! That's one of the main reasons why i sad i need to work on the deck
For AI3 i think that this deck is too much expensive and vs FG's doesn't make the trick, so i am thinking about, when i finish the deck concept at 100%, to put it on a t50 grinder. PVP decks... I'll make those, but i will only post them after i enter in tournaments with it lol.