No problem. Here's my statistics sorted by god along with some comment about my estimation of the matchup:
[god] [mastery wins]-[normal wins]-[losses]-[win-rate]
[extra comment]Miracle 2-0-0
very easy, no controlHermes 3-0-0
that's probably a little too good, but he's definitly doableRainbow 2-0-4
yes, he's beatable if you get a good draw and he draws lots of creature control, still a little too good probablyGravitron 2-0-4
should be a little better, has some permanent control and momentum guys, but is easily Eternity-lockedOsiris 2-0-0
very easy, is very slow, just stall and play quinted AnubisNeptune 3-0-0
pretty much same as osirisDecay 0-0-5
hardest god with this deck, devourer is a total jerk against duo decks, also has StealsDark matter 3-0-3
hardest god that doesn' have permanent control next to scorpio, if he gets lots of Elite Chargers and Black Holes, you're in troubleElidnis 1-1-0
easy, medium creature controlFire Queen 4-0-0
easy, medium creature controlGemini 3-0-1
momentum can be annoying, but otherwise easyChaos Lord 1-0-1
easy unless he gets some super-crazy mutants and you don't have EternityIncarnate 5-0-0
very easy, only medium creature controlObliterator 2-1-3
if he goes turn 1 Pulvy, you're dead, otherwise goodSeism 2-1-1
play pillars one by one until he rund out of quicksands, try to get hourglass going as fast as possible to outdraw himMorte 1-0-0
easy, no creature control (that you can't play around)Ferox 2-0-1
easy, no control, but sometimes he's extremely fast (turn 5 kill possible) so if you have a bad draw, you can loseMorning Glory 1-0-4
should be much better, unless he draws explosions like a champion, you've got a very good chanceScorpio 1-0-2
could be better, no permanent control, but lots of creature control and ways to get around your shield; Permafrost is particularly annoyingOctane 0-0-3
he's beatable if you get lots of SoGs and he doesn't draw too many ExplosionsDestiny 1-0-0
easy, but also has the luck-out of mutating into something super sick, heavy creature controlEternal Phoenix 0-0-2
very hard, is fast and has lots of Explosions, should still be beatableNo record for:
Dream Catcher: I played this guy a few times before I started my statistics and he seems medium, if he gets Butterfly Effect fast you're obv in trouble, but even then you can still win with flying Eternity. Otherwise he's not very fast and gets Eternity-locked very easily.
Paradox: I somehow never managed to cross the path of this guy which is a shame because he seems like a cakewalk.
Here's some extra playing tips:
-Playing against Explosions:
Against all FGs that run Explosions (except for Chaos Lord who has too few of them) you do not want to run out your permanents in the first turn. Instead wait until they pass the turn with fire quanta in their pool, because they usually explode your pillars if they can. THEN play out your permanents. Next, send a prayer to your favourite transcendent entity, because if they now topdeck another Explosion, you're usually in trouble. Otherwise you're in a good spot, becaus Hourglass improves your draw (also giving you more permanents), while Eternity weakens theirs. Then proceed to win the game.
-Getting an immortal Anubis:
Against an opponent with heavy creature control, you'll often want to have an immortal Anubis. Then problem is that you'll need a non-immortal Anubis to rewind with Eternity to avoid deckout, so you can't just play Anubis and Quint it (unless the opponent has a creature that you can play with your deck, then you can TU that one and rewind it). So what you need to do is:
1. Play Anubis
2. TU it
3. Quintessence one Anubis
4. Rewind the other
This process will cost you 11

and 9

plus an Eternity activation, and if you do it wrong, the game. Also it doesn't work with Fractal instead of TU. So don't screw that up folks!
-On rushes:
Against normal gods, it's pretty impossible to get outrushed. Phase Shield + Hourglass + SoG is an extremely potent combo to stifle all the opponents threads. On that note, I want to stress that Phase Shield is there as a defense for the early game, so play it early. Especially against the gods that have ways to bypass your shield you want to take as few damage as possible. For the lategame you have Eternity-lock + SoGs, which beats just about everything there is.
-Getting EM:
Just be aware that you can rewind your own creatures in order to have your weapon deal the final points of damage, so you still get the SoG healing.

-Fractal: It's really just a big Twin Universe. Sometimes against medium creature control you just want to rush out a bunch of Anubis. This helps you get them while saving your TU's for Eternity. It also helps to play around Miracles.
Ok, so that's what came to my mind for now. Feel free to ask if you have more specific questions on the strategy of the deck!
Bonus Screenshot: Killing Rainbow
