Akebono: Simple like Dark Matter, but even easier and without the Black Holes and Gravity Nymphs. Early Eternity and Turtle Shield are more important than an early Scorp. Rewind his expensive creatures (especially ones with Overdrive and/or Momentum) to lock his draws.
Lionheart: Not too bad, for the most part. Early Scorp > early Eternity, most likely. Turtle Shield is infinitely useful in holding off their creature army and preventing ability use. Rewind priority is Anubis > Pharaoh > Crusader = Flying Eternity (though the presence of Quintessence will make it difficult to Rewind his creatures).
Hecate: A little more difficult due to the 4 Steals (remember the PC priority list), but you'll still find it quite easy. Eternity is highly useful, as is Turtle Shield. Rewind the Dolls, and eventually she'll run out of Rage Elixirs and have low enough damage output. If you like, you may as well Antimatter a Raged, vampire Doll so that it does damage for you.
Serket: Difficult. It's a poison race, and you need to win with an early Scorp. Pandemonium is a key card here -- it helps remove opposing creatures (since almost all of them have low HP) and breaks through Cloak. Antimatter the Recluses, Rewind the opposing Scorpions, and have a BE Scorp handy for destroying their Eclipses and deactivating their Deathstalkers. Cloak could be a problem, as you rely on targeting, but Pandemonium luckily breaks through it.
Jezebel: Very difficult. 8 Steals and 6 Cloaks means that you likely won't be able to Rewind her Nymphs (or do much at all, for the matter) if you don't set up properly. Use the PC priorities to protect your Shield and Shards, as they are essential for your survival. If you suspect she has Steals early on, feel free to hold on to your permanents and let her steal your Towers and Pends. Hourglasses and Eternity are also good Steal bait once you get your defenses up. Pandemonium breaks through Cloak, but it looks like you won't be able to do much after the uncloaking anyway. Early Scorp is probably better in this situation.