Nice guide and stuff .
Nice work with the strategy guide!
Good work!
encore bravo le post est super!
nice work
Nice job. I am sure your deck will become very popular.
Thanks Guys...
yeah i can see dg being really hard, i mean it rarely plays anything and when it does it will either be worth 8 damage each 2 turns (with turtle shield) for only two poison, the occasional pillar, or a damn miracle
It was a difficult battle but I'm proud to announce that Eternal Chaos (,20173.msg273635#msg273635) is also able to beat Divine Glory (Screen-shots in first post). It was a hard fight but after 3 miracles and the destruction of all my hourglasses, a shield and 2 eternities, I finally killed him with 63 poison counters ...
Just out of curiosity, how long does each game take on the average for you? I'm sure that we'd all like to know where this deck fits in the win-time ratio spectrum
Generally you loose quite fast and after 5-6 you know if you will be able to deal with the difficult FG or if you can let it go. However, some win can take quite long (20 min). If your BE come late against Ferox or Miracle it can take forever.
On the other hand if you manage to deny one quanta pool (by continuously rewinding the same kind of creature and destroying the corresponding pillars) it can be very fast. I had a battle against miracle (for example) where he could not play a single miracle ...
The problem is that you want to put your scorpion early to make the maximum damage ASAP. However, sometimes if you wait a turn or two you might play your eternity or shield earlier and win a game you could have lost otherwise.
In other words, sometimes speed is the enemy of good. The most important here is the defence and a good defence can take time.
If you want to know if you should sell your fast-money-maker to buy this one, I'll answer no! This deck is NOT the most effective in time/electrum ratio. It is just a quite efficient way to have fun, slowly improve your score and make some card/money by grinding FGs.
Also, how steep is the learning curve for the deck?
It will probably depend on your skills at the beginning. I you are used to a different kind of deck with which you grind like a brain-dead-monkey, you might need some time to see the subtleties of playing this one. However, if you now already well the card mechanics or if you already played with neurotoxin decks, it could be very fast. Seeing the propositions you made about the gravity shield, I thing it won't take you to long to understand how this deck works.
Also I hope my guide/tutorial might help some of you to extract the full power of Eternal Chaos ...
Have fun.