It has a 30-40 percent win rate overall. Mightyhat, you might just suck at using this deck. You will never be able to win if you just throw down every card like a monkey. You need some timing and strategy.
heh. i might just suck.
listen sunshine, i understand how to play the game. i understand how to play the deck. i do not throw down every card like a monkey. i am an insane person with multiple accounts in the t50. i used to play on the mtg pro circuit. i don't think that the poor win rate that i saw with this deck was due to a problem with my play skill.
what i am talking about is poor statistical consistency and the absolute failure to have a tenable victory condition against the majority of decks. i have personally made a large number of experimental decks, but i don't post them to the forum if they don't have a win percentage at least as good as the current standard. why do you draw this sort of attention to yourself by posting something this inconsistent as a "False God Killer!", and then insult a player who takes the time to duplicate your theory and give feedback?
i beat fire queen in 1.17 with a speed poison dueling deck because i forgot to switch decks, but i didn't post the deck here as the new false god killer.
it might have been better if you had posted this in the dual-color deck forum, or even in this forum as an idea that needed feedback. perhaps more experienced players might have taken the time to suggest a few modifications that would give you a better win rate and a chance to win against some other gods. instead, i guess this deck is just perfect for you the way it is. congratulations.