Game1: loss due to antimatter spam
Game 2: loss, scarabs +RT
Game 3: loss, 195 hp sob immorush: decked me out turn before I would have won (3 turns)
Game 4: win vs. 125 hp. 9 turn win (first 4 turns were all shockwaves)
Game 5: loss by 1 turn against 165 HP aether deck, oth turn silence, 1st turn lightninged ruby.
Game 6: 4 turn win against 165 hp monodark
Game 7: loss, RT +eternity>immodeck
Game 8: loss, Scarabs + sundial>immorush
Game 9: loss, no rol/phoenix in 3 turns vs. shockwave as oracle card and bonewall
Game 10: 10 turn win: shockwave as oracle card again, this time with SoR squids and OE. Just attacked with an army of phoenixes until I could burst kill.
Game 11: 3 turn win against Blarps 1 hp deck >.< He had first turn + SoD, I had no damage for 3 turns, and I couldn’t SoB cuz he didn’t have any quanta to play cards >.<
Game 11: 7 turn win on a 140 something HP deck with AM and first turn fire buckler + pulvy.
Game 12: 3 turn win on 57 hp dune scorp deck, rewinded my seraph twice
Game 13: Loss -190 HP O-bow with 1st turn oty.
Game 14: 7 turn win against 134 hp, should have been a LOT faster, but got trolled by sanc/dims (fail sofr), as well as a bhole delaying me a turn.
Game 15: Damn ghostmare with like 12 RT
Game 16: 7 turn win against 195 HP grabbywinder
Game 17: No SoB in first 10 cards against a liferush. Koed in 5 turns
Game 18: 7 turn win against a 180 HP grabbow w/ Dune scorpions and 1st turn Diamond shield
Game 19: 7 turn loss against a fire grabbow w/ CC, deflag, and 1st turn fog.
Game 20: 6 turn win against 98 HP monolife-Had to wait until turn 2 to cremate (no RoL’s, cremated phoenix).
Game 21: 6 turn loss, ai had 6/143 HP, and RT’D a crimson, a seraph, and an ash turn before (had 4 Sofr, so phoenix would have done 6 damage)
Game 22: 7 Turn loss against a UG deck, had to try and OTK from 100 damage, just didn’t happen.
Game 23: 6 turn win on a 130 HP o-bow. 3rd turn Oty was too slow (already had a seraph protected)
Game 24: 141 HP rainbow. Sanc>SoB; first turn icebolt>seraph; topdeck icebolt>ruby; Skullshield>1 def creatures; Pulvy>SoFr; RoF turn before I was going to win>me
Game 25: 1 hp deck<3 RoL’s. 1 turn win
Game 26: 6 turn loss vs. 175 hp deck (1 turn). 5 upped rewinds (3 of which when he had 1 quanta, 1 when he had 0 and played a time tower) say tl:dr to immorush
Game 27: 100 hp monodark with 10 siphon lives. Gets a dusk turn before I would have won (drew a seraph). Dusk haxx = 6 hp left. Vampire dagger heals w/ siphon, I have 5 MP on field with a single SoFR. Dusk haxx again, get him down to 4 hp, and he wins.
Game 28: 180 something HP chrysora stall. Waited a turn or two before playing seraphs because I was afraid of sosac, could have ended game a turn sooner. SoFr haxx gave me win. Didn’t record TTW
Game 29: Hate ghostmare with a flaming passion, especially when it gets 7 time quanta on first turn with 2 darkness quanta
Game 30: saw SoV and SoD, so expected a zen type deck, held off playing my creatures until I saw a sose on 3/4th turn. Ended up with an 8 turn win against a 271 HP deck, 5 hp off of a 7 turn win, but got dual pandemoniumed. Finished with 1 max hp.
Game 31: 5 turn loss against a 198 HP grabbywinder.
Game 32: Ghostmares first game=full hp. Nuff said
Game 32: One turn off rushing an immorush, and it sosacs. WTF? 4 turn loss
Game 33: should have been an easy game, only damage was flying lobos, but didn’t draw a cremation until 16 cards left, and wasted an SoB (misclick) 7 turn loss.
Game 34: slow damage but squid, so I held onto power cards, 1 turn off of winning. 8 turn loss.
Game 35: Pretty good hand, against a monoair with SoF, wings<flying immorush. 6 turn win on 195-ish HP (plus another SoFr)
Game 36: 6 turn win on a 165 hp deck. Got out 2 squids early, but waited until it was low on water quanta and played a seraph, it survived due to Ai stupidity (playing purify + squid), and was able to protect it and rush for the win.
Game 37: rank 11, 138 HP deck with rage potion as card. Waited for a lul in fire quanta (pends) and played a seraph and ruby. Expected it to die next round, but Ai Played a lava golem instead, giving me a 5 turn win.
Game 38: Very nice rainbow stall, one of the few rainbows I’ve given a thumbs up to I think. One turn off winning and HG topdecked a miracle. Also had a warden, 2 parasites, and 2 otys out. (with a diss field/boneyard)
Game 39: 6 turn win on 149 HP momoscorps with like no defense except for Bhole (which stalled me a turn)
Game 40: Sundial as oracle card, 180-odd HP, stalled for 4 turns with dials, got a 9 turn win.
Game 41: Only 110 Hp, but plague was card (happened to be a war TM’s deck). Got annihilated by plagues, upped soulcatchers and bone wall. Plague every turn is very hard to beat with 1 hp creatures got him to half health (if I had SoF, chance I could have bursted him next turn. Lost in 5 turns due to dragons and such
Game 42: Oracle card: graviton fire eater? Let’s make a monodarkness. 1 turn away from winning twice, but dusk is haxx, and got 2 soF stolen (usable by his vamps/gargs) 9 turn loss
Game 43: 161 HP sosebow. We both played extremely slowly, I got 1 cremation in first 12 cards. 8 turn win.
Game 44: 183 hp monodeath rush. Waited 3 turns without heavy hitters in case of sosac, then rushed down hp. 5 turn win.
Game 45: Rank 23, another rage pot deck. No heavy hitters until halfway through deck: 6 turn loss
Game 46: 115 hp monoair rush with SoF, dual flying EE is a pain in the rear 6 turn loss (w/ 15 hp left, would have won if opponent only had 100 hp)
Game 47 130 hp sosabow w/ adrenaline? Lost by 1 turn thanks to an early maxwelll 7 turn loss
Game 48: vs 161 hp upped monodeath rush. 3 Sof failed to get a seraph to crit 2 turns in a row, lost by 5 hp, to an exact death (4 hp left when arsenic hit)
Game 49: 7 turn win against a 168 HP dune scorps with no defense other than RT (RT is still a pain)
Game 50: 4 turn loss against a 168 hp, VERY nice speedbow that dimmed and had a nice fire lance for my seraph