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6rt 6rt 6rv 6rv 6rv 6rv 6rv 6rv 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 71c 71c 71c 71c 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 8pk
Blank cards are 2 SoSA and 6 SoPa.Note: this is the concept and not intended to be a final productSo I love Malignant Cells. Don't know why, guess I'm weird that way. The deck's aim is straightforward: get out a RoL, aflotoxin it and wait till your screen fills with cells while stalling as best you can. Then play 2-4 SoPa in one turn and watch as the yellow potential damage bar goes up and up the next turn. ? ? ?. And profit. (though not much profit, it's still in only the AI3 stage of victory)
With the addition of SoPa this became a viable concept since previously a field of MCs did jack squat against any damage reduction shield. Now that
all your monsters get buffed, a full field with even one SoPa is an additional 23 damage per shard. The expected outcome is to get MC growth by the latest turn 3, then stall with Sundials and using it to draw with the RoL's singular

gain. After your field is full or mostly full play your last Sundial and every SoPa you have (delay turns don't stack, and Sundial anyway prevents that turn's attack) The following turn will be a mess of damage. Next turn or so should be victory.
The problem: It...doesn't work well yet. I can't seem to get enough stall to guarantee at least 40 HP for a 2 turn SoSa stall at the end to finish them up. I know this can work, but I'm stumped what to do. I played around with a Time mark, Precogs, and more SoSa to get through the deck faster, but then I lost most of my stall and lost more often. Suggestions would be much appreciated, since it's not great as is (though does win maybe 50%). It's for the novelty of it, not really utility.