(Disclaimer: This deck rushes AFLATOXIN, not creatures

So I really like aflatoxin and wanted to make a deck out of it. I thought about doing something with plagues and graveyards and bonewalls and condors and such, but decided that would take a long time to set up and you would likely die in the process.
Then I thought about using skull bucklers and the toxins to make the opponent focus on playing his/her creatures while you rush them with flesh recluses and ivory dragons. It worked alright, but still lost more than I liked. (It was 12x bone tower, 5x flesh recluse, 6x aflatoxin, 4x skull buckler, 3x ivory dragon, if anybody is interested).
Finally I remembered SoGs and found a build that worked fairly well. The idea is to get the quantum to play aflatoxin ASAP. It is your number one priority. Only play another card if you desperately need more hp (in which case play an SoG early) or, after gaining quantum this turn, you will still have the required quantum to play aflatoxin. For instance, if you have three death towers and 8 death quantum, and the opponent has no creatures, go ahead and play two flesh recluses. You will be down to 2 death, but after gaining quantum you'll be back at 6.
Your next priority is SoGs/Buckler. Once the cells start building, a buckler should be played. SoGs are used to stall while the cells fill the opponent's field and then function to heal any damage creatures not aflatoxined do. Like a massive dragon, for instance. Not worth aflatoxining, but your sogs will heal that damage that gets through.
You should play your dragons and recluses last, unless you have nothing better to play and, as said before, you will still have enough quantum to play aflatoxin after your towers activate. If you need an extra bit of damage and your opponent has no damage reducing shield, you can aflatoxin one of your own recluses.
Loses to:
Rainbows - Main crutch of the deck. Bonds heal too much with all those cells, and the creature control can usually kill off your few damagers.
Immortals - Do I really have to explain?
Reverse Time - Can RT aflatoxined creatures, so getting cells started is hard.
Dark Decks - Though only a minor weakness, if it has enough steals to steal all those SoGs (or even 3), it can be very hard to win.
Not recommended for T50, but does pretty good against AI5 as long as you don't get one that uses life :|. (I took a picture of it owning an AI5 deck for fun:
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6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 711 711 713 713 713 713 715 715 715 71c 71c 71c 71c 71c 71c 8pk