I've tried this deck out, and it works great.
So far my experience :
-The deck works even with only the shards and rays upgraded. All the rest of the upgrades only give you one quantum difference each, and aren't that important. Upgrading the dragons first is a good idea, as you only have two and upgraded ones do more damage for the same amount of slots used.
-You don't deck out against miracle user gods if you play only 1-2 dragons first, and all of the rest when you can kill in one turn with them.
-Electrocutor in the early game is critical versus many gods. I'm currently using three. Unfortunately they are useless against the other gods, and may even backfire if they have a steal.
-I'm unsure about shards. Every shard you draw slows you down by a whole turn (you need to spend aether quanta to play them, and of course you draw them instead of other cards too). 0 Shards seem too risky, 2 works fine but not enough against poison gods. Next I'll try 6 but it would make the deck like 35+ cards, doesn't sound good.
-6 fractals seem to be a must. Any fewer and you might not draw enough. You need at least THREE of them, if the opponent kills many of your lights, or your hand doesn't have enough space for the first two, you even need a fourth or fifth before you can win.
-4 hopes seem to be necessary. With only 3, I didn't draw one in time way too often.
-I don't know if upgrading hopes are better or not. Probably better if I play more shards and worse otherwise. Without shards, being able to play it one turn earlier is often the key to victory.
-Not drawing enough towers and losing before I can play fractal happens with 7-8 towers. It seems to be much faster with 9, but with shards, maybe I'll have more time and can afford to only run 8.
-Drawing too many fractals, hopes and dragons makes it impossible to win because you don't have enough space in your hand. It's better to auto-quit on those starting hands.
-The results include games where my deck wasn't completely upgraded, ones with 5 fractals, ones with 0,2 or 4 shards, and of course games where I didn't know how to play the deck properly and lost to my own mistake. So actual results now are/will be probably better.
Now, let's see the gods and my experience with them :
Octane : Auto-Quit. Half his deck are gases that kill the rays.
Hermes : Auto-Quit. Hope doesn't stop fire lance, and firestorm kills all your rays. All of his creatures also have growth and get way too large to stop by hope in time.
Graviton : Auto-Quit. Too much creature removal and momentum. He also plays firestorm, and gravity shield stops the dragons. Firemasters are growing creatures, so they are trouble too. (10 turns =20 attack, 15 =30...Hope only works up to 23, but more like 15 because you need the space for dragons)
Gemini : Auto-Quit. So many phase shields, by the time you can attack, you deck out. To make it worse, the long amount of time wasted on waiting makes playing him not worth the time. His momentum and electrocutor are also trouble.
Ferox : Auto-Quit. Too many bonds+creatures. No way to outdamage it.
Morte : I didn't play against him too often, but plagues are a threat. You also need an early electrocutor against his viruses, and enough shards against his poison. Two losses, and I remember I won at least one before I started recording the results.
Edit : I've lost another five games against him, even with a deck having 6 shards. Poison is not that much of a problem, but every time he plays a plague (which he doesn't seem to play more than one of per turn), you either have a fractal and 8 aether quanta ready, or remain defenseless and lose in 1-2 turns. Moving this to the auto-skip section.
Obliterator : If he has pulverizer and momentum creatures, you are in trouble. Otherwise, it's possible to win. 2/5 = 40% wins so far.
Scorpio : Auto quit with any less than 4 shards in deck. Without an early electrocutor, it's a lost game. 4/12 = 33% wins so far, and I didn't play a few games with bad starting hands.
Chaos Lord : An early discord can really mess up your game. Probably easier with 6 shards, because you can afford the time until you get the aether quantum that way. Steal on the lobotomizer might be a problem if he is high on aether quantum and uses it every turn. Early mutations for large creatures can also pose a problem, but again, shards may help that. 8/16 = 50% wins so far.
Dark Matter : Early electrocutor against Otyugh and momentum creatures, or you lose.
1/4 =25% for me so far.
Seism : Unless he beats you with an early creature rush, you are golden. It just takes a lot of time to get the quanta for fractals from your mark only. It usually takes no more than 9-10 rays to win, especially if you have shards. Shards might be risky to play here unfortunately, because if they use up your aether quantum, you lose 2 turns. Lobotomizers are also bad in hand as you can't afford to play them, and they take up a space from fractaling rays in your hand.
7/12 wins = 58%
Paradox : Easy. Especially if you have shards. You might lose with 0 shards due to him growing a creature with blessing to large, so be careful.
2/3 wins = 66%
Rainbow : Shards are useless, but they at least protect your pillars from being destroyed first, same of electrocutor. At least three fractals on rays and one on dragons, and surprise attack with them is needed. The main reason why I added the sixth fractal was this one.
9/14 wins = 64%
Fire Queen : If you can lobotomize her queens, you are golden. She can't make enough creatures without them to outheal your dragons. You only need to maintain 7+ rays, but take her creature removal into account. One of the games that made me want to have a third electrocutor.
5/7 wins = 71%, and all of them masterities.
Divine Glory : Another easy one, as you need 8 rays to survive forever at most. My losses come from decking out, which can be prevented by playing many dragons for a surprise attack.
5/7 wins = 71%
Miracle : Probably the easiest, has nothing that can cause harm except miracles. Suprise attack with dragons and you'll win.
3/3 wins = 100%
Destiny : Even easier, he has no shields so 23 rays are the way to go here. Eternity and reverse time puts back your dragons anyway so rays are better.
8/9 = 89%
Elidnis : You'll need an early electrocutor versus his lobotomizing creatures. His growing ones may also pose a threat if you don't draw a dragon in the first 20 cards, other than that, nothing difficult
2/2 = 100%.
Incarnate : Another one where an early elec is a must, against his infecting creatures. If you have it, he is easy, he can't have anthing wil more than 6 attack out and has no shields except bone walls that get taken down in a turn by the rays.
4/5 = 80%
Overall :
60/100 = 60%, including at least 10 games lost due to unupgraded cards, or not knowing how to play properly yet. Games not played due to auto-quitting are not included. Adding shards, upgrading hopes and the third electrocutor might even further increase win rate, not sure about it yet.
Edit : I'm testing 6 shards and I've already lost three games out of 19 I should have won due to not drawing hope in time. 6 shards are definitely way too many.