This + mindgate would be very fun as well... or maybe a trio with the steal card:
5 PU, 5 MG, 5 Steal, 5 Yoink! Might end up playing opponents deck better than they do...
Steal all their cards right out from under them and copy anything you cant steal.
Could power it off of dark pend and quantum pillars w/ aether mark. (with a cost of 1

for yoink, Quantum pend. should give an ample supply, so only dark and aether need extra quanta)
For that matter, arena decks w/ double draw could ditch aether altogether and just use 6 Steal + 6 Yoink... Stealing 12 cards is more than 1/3 of most decks... Add in steal and that gives 24 stolen cards = win by thievery.