Well say you have 2 of these guys out and 21 skeletons, that gives you 13*2 + 2*21 or 68 damage.
If you have out 4 kings and 19 skeletons, that gives 12*4 + 2*19 or 86 damage.
If you have out 6 kings and 17 skeletons, that gives 11*6 + 2*17 or 100 damage i.e. a OTK.
all this talk about skeletons got me thinking, with all those skeletons out, luciferin and hope could be deadly, kinda like RoL, but if the skeletons were upgraded(or even if they were not) you could do tons of damage. Also, If you could fit in an eclipse, it could do 4 damage per skeleton and it could survive a Rain of fire... it would get complicated, though building a deck to fit that in.