I'd like to compare it better with pharaoh rather than with FFQ.
Pharaoh is a 9

3/8 creature with

: generate an elite scarab
(all of the same mark: time)
Elite scarab is an 2

3/N creature with

: devore
If we want to do nearly the same with the necromancer it might be like this:
Abyssal necromancer 9

3/8 with

: generate an elite ghoul
Elite ghoul 2

3/1 with

: gain +0/1 and the passive ability of absorving one random quanta
In comparation, devour + swarm and absorving + hp gain are quite similar in cost IMHO
Well... you have eclipse. And? If we just trie to eliminate on every card the efects of eclipse... better eliminate eclipse instead. It's a card of the game and we have to manage with it.