Did you see the same idea by Hyroen? http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,14206.html
Unupped version is identical.
I didn't. As you know, I submitted this after having the idea in chat. But yes, Hyroen already pimped his variation earlier in the thread. It's not the same, though - this is darkness whereas his is air, and his version uses the X+1 mechanic which I'm staying away from.
I like this Harpy theme suggested by vrt, but the fact is that Hyroen was the first with the idea of this mechanic, which means that if this idea some day makes it to the game, Hyroen will probably get credit for it because he was first. I don't know if you care about that stuff, but I'm saying just in case so there won't be any problems or misunderstandings later.
I was under the impression that Zanz decides who gets credit. After all, I've submitted an idea which was later implemented into the game, but I never got any credit for that because Zanz never confirmed that it was my idea that inspired him.
Besides which, I think my idea is much better than Hyroen's formulation; whether it's sufficiently different for your personal tastes is your own opinion. After all, whoever heard of Alfred Russel Wallace?
I didn't imply that you stole the idea. It's clear that you didn't. But that's not the point here because if I independently come up with the formula for DNA, that doesn't make me the person who came up with DNA, because others have done it before me. The fact is that your suggestion is
mechanically the same card. I mean the unupped version is
identical. I find it weird that we need to even think about whether or not the ideas are the same when they are identical.

Different element, theme or art doesn't make any difference when we are talking about game mechanics, which is what these card ideas are about.
I think it's very important to
protect earlier ideas so that if you were the first one to suggest a certain mechanic, you will get the credit if that mechanic inspires Zanz enough so that he makes a card like that. I think it would be very unfair if people were allowed to submit identical ideas only with some minor changes like different element or art. The first person with the idea should be respected for being first, even if you think your version is better.
I'll have to talk to Card Curators about this. We might have to make a new rule to prevent "double-posting" because the bigger the idea section gets, the more of these situations we will have.
Current system is that Zanz doesn't really decide who gets credit. What we do is we ask Zanz whether or not some card inspired him. If a card was a source of inspiration, it gets to go to Reliquary, if not, it stays where it is. I don't know what your previous idea was, but looks like it wasn't an inspiration, so no Reliquary.