That's possibly one of the biggest eyesores of a quote I have ever seen. Please cease and desist. x_x
As for this card, I like it a lot. It -can- become the best shield by far, but damn will it take a long time. Mind you, Fractal Ball Lightnings would only work if the skill was reusable like Rustler. I doubt it would be if it was implemented. But eh, Fractal anything else works.
Fractal, sacrifice, end turn
Next turn: Ball lightening, sacrifice, end turn
Rinse and repeat until the ball lightenings are gone.
I would probably prefer to use RoL, however, just because they have some use outside of making a single attack or being killed on the spot, assuming we are talking only fractal creatures.
Elite fireflies would be able to spawn endlessly from a queen, and even generate the proper quanta to sacrifice, and qunting it is easy enough, since I would want to pack a lobo to remove momentum, anyway.
At any rate, it seems way too abusable.
With a cap, it might be ok, or if it randomly killed one of the creatures on your field at the end of every turn, rather than letting you just choose when and how much defense it would take. I also think it would fit much better as a death card, but gravity needs a shield more, I suppose.