To all users who think that removing Immortality is not a good idea, I certainly hope you can understand when I say that we now have a card that BUFFS Immortals in developement. We need a debuff now more than ever. Immortality is broken already, but now with only one card an Immortal can by-pass all but one shield, gets an attack buff AND a defence buff. If that doesn't need a counter, then why aren't we all playing Immortals?
Now that my rant is done...
Here is my idea for an image. I Made it with Hexagon and Bryce 7. Feel free to use it if you want...

Here's the delete code if you find something else (so it wont take up extra space on imgur)
If you don't like the lava back drop, I can set up something else... or i can give you the scene file if you have bryce yourself.
...This is actually almost exactly how I pictured it, thank you, so much. I do have a artist commissioned to draw a picture for this card, but I have little hope for the outcome, as I have never seen her work. (Just someone I know from college.)