As overpowered as it seems, it might just force people to start using overlooked cards or combos more often. I haven't seen any real applications of Shockwave+Congeal, Rewind is used but not as often as other creature control, and Basilisk Blood is far from a staple of any common decks.
Fire's creature control cards or Otys can handle all of the most common threats, and I think it would be nice to see something (or some things, so gravity doesn't get an unfair edge) come along to change the game environment. Some balancing is needed, sure, but I don't think a 'game-changer' is necessarily a bad thing. Creature spam or growth creatures are so prevalent that it would be nice if something that took a little to set up (and isn't Oty/Druid based) payed off handily if you managed to do it.