Our secret section is up, and we're all going to be working here for a while. Despite the fact that we've already started PMing each other, I thought I'd make some sort of metaphorical 'Welcome' Mat, or 'Home Sweet Home' sign to hang up on the back wall.
It's not quite as dramatic as sharing a bunker with fellow team mates, since its much easier to, say, put your hand over the screen whenever somebody types something out, but nevertheless we will be spending some time with each other.
Hopefully (I'd like to emphasise this point), we will be talking a lot. More communication is great, so I don't mind if our topics are 5 pages long with a collective Online Great Wall of China. Even if you know nothing on the topic, talk. If you know everything about the subject, never stop talking.
It's completely optional from this point (in fact, this whole page is considered optional reading material, which I suspect some of you now wish I had said at the top), but you can share some basics about yourself as a person. I don't have a spreadsheet/survey asking favourite color, political viewpoint, or whether you run high or low energy consuming lightbulbs in your place of residence. In game, out of game, whatever.
I'll kick off this one: Hey, I'm DrunkDestroyer, Dr.UnkD or DD. If I could go back in time and change something about my elements account, it would most likely be my name. (I'm not sure whether anyone who didn't/did know me considered themselves extremely unfortunate when a guy with the name 'DrunkDestroyer' bid on them). My favourite element is Air, and I've been playing casually for about a year and a half. My score and upped cards are still amazingly average, and my record in a tourney is currently 4th.
In real life, I like knowing that you cared enough about me to read this. Haha! Edited, be on my team next time!!!
It's up to you whether to leave me hanging at this point, like a rejected High-Five (do people still do those?), or join in. Go for it!