Really complicated things in this round....
1. Chargers. This is obvious, quite unpredictable, new and simple, I definitely should use that.
2. Earthquake deck. This is a trouble. It most certainly loses to fire (many phoenixes, novas, immolations) and underworld (novas, pillars). The most logical is to use it against time. But time's other opponent is underworld, which doesn't use much perm control. Therefore they like to use their phase shield deck against them. Besides, devourers are quite useless against pillars and novas; and besides time knows that underworld has to make 30-card deck - it is very good for them to play a deckouter there. And therefore, it is too obvious that we will meet darkness duo. Can eq deck beat that? Most likely, no. Devourers give enough dark quanta for dusk shiled and dragons, while stiletto heals. Seems crazy, but I'm considering giving an eq deck to QuantumT with an additional Wings instead of Fog (this is not sure yet if we can afford that). Their grabanoid with novas is a bit unlikely, because they are afraid of owls too much. 3 decks they used in last round didn't have discord. I guess that there is a small chance with that deck if they want to stall again.
3. UG deck. Useless agains fire, seems too slow vs time (especially if they devour quanta and heal and use dusk shield) and entropy is a team that just waits for it. Therefore, its the best agains underworld's quite primitive creature spam. Nymph then should be replaced with Wings.
4. Aether duo. The problem is that it loses both against time's deckouter and darkness deck. Loses to both Entropy's deckouters and poison. It is playable against underworld though, but if we go with that against underworld, then we have tu use ug deck vs fire or time, which is are bad options. Agains, it seems crazy, but I would go against fire with this deck. Remember: EQ loses against fire, UG deck loses because there are just too many decks with phoenixes that can't be killed and fractals and deflags; if we go against fire with darkness, then there is nothing to put against time. Besides, playing phase shields against fire is quite unpredictable (if not stupid
5. As someone of you already suggested, in case of time, darkness should meet darkness.
There are other options:
1 chargers - me (entropy)
2. eq deck - glowing ice (time)
3 darkness deck - qunatumt (entropy)
4. ug deck - gyro (underworld)
5. aether deck - dogg (fire)
In this case QuantumT and glowing Ice are swapped their decks, but in my opinion both can lose more easily than in case i described first (there at least Glowing Ice has some decent chances).
Third option:
1. Chargers - me
2. Ug deck - quantumT
3. Eq deck - time
4. aether deck - underworld
5. darkness deck - fire
Although seems most "natural" to play like that, imo this is the most dangerous arrangement for several reason - eq deck and darkness deck lose most certainly here, ug deck is too predictable. If we swap eq deck and darkness there, then its a bit better, but the loss of eq deck is even more certain. I really don't like to send a deck to the certain death...
I already posted some versions of the deck but discussion is still open of course.
Btw, if anyone thinks that eq deck could have some chances against fire, then you could do some testing; sadly i don't have much time tonight. If it really does have some chances, then we could have this arrangement as Truddy suggested. But I guess that Chum is correct; entropy definitely searches a counter for ug-deck. Therefore i suggested that version here. And if we are not succesful, then you can always blame me for that