From aether I am pretty sure we are going to see PUgrabbow for the reason it tests great vs almost everything we got. Probably dies to BW(?), catatits with wings(?). Our grabbow was another deck that could keep up with PUgrabbow and lost last round, so this removes some of their second thoughts.
Alternatively we lost to dims a few times lately, despite running lotsa bypass, they might pick up on that. Also Hain made a coment in Jen's last round match about PCless decks vs aether. I understand this as we might bring dims or we might not, so my mindgate is that PC is irrelevant to the way they see our matchup.
For the entropy match there is a deck that beats 1/2 grabbows and their dim PUgons but...Kev (and I agree on this) dont like mixing decks
Fire got lots of upps to give to general, so a crazy firerush might be enough to do Bonair
PS: did I mention how bad I suck at mindgating?