Dogg, get well! To quote those weird cat posters, "Hang in there!"

Anyway, to continue with the topic: Titans
do get beat by Antimatter and Reverse Time. Speaking of the former, I'm pretty sure Death has an Antimatter deck lying around. I think the chances are good that they'll bring the Reverse Time deck in one round against us (I forgot to mention earlier, Sundials block damage from Titans that are on the creature field). I suppose the best counter to that we have would be Quint. & Dim. Shield, but that's already used in Pervepic's deck. And they
might field a Death-Entropy duo against us for the other match, to ensure that one of their decks beats out Flying Titans.
Heh, I'm really not sure what to do.
For Water, it was said earlier, but the Earthquake deck is really the deck I don't want to see. Hopefully they'll use it in one of their other matches.
I think Death and Water (particularly Water) haven't been using a lot of permanent control. I think Water stopped using it after failing at a Fire-Water duo with Deflags and Steam Machines (Steam Machines kinda suck, no offense). I would want to use an Unstable Gas + Wings deck, but it's so slow, and less effective if the creatures are airborne.
Bah humbug.
In any case, I'm sure we'll do well this round.