Now I wish we had something like 3 Firefly Queen decks. Its just poison everywhere:



. But available decks are:
1. Fractal - Spiders. A good candidate against

, since they played Bone Walls-Poison last time. Probably needs some Pillars to survive against Discord. Against

is not so good, because of Steals and Frac-Devourers. Good against

but not good against

2. Phase Shield- Quints. Playable aginst

, but slow and won't survive against Poison-Bone Walls they played last time. But playable against

(speed poison is still dangerous). Not very good against

3. Phase Shield-Lightning. Normal against

but othervise...bad aginst



4. A duo with

. There is 2 Liquid Shadows, 2 Steals, some Devourers and 1 Black Dragon left left, LS-s may be good against poison. But I am not sure if this one is good against

, because they have available the same

-duo that beat us last time. Against


this is not good and against

I guess this one may be quite ok.
5. A duo with Phoenixes. It may be a counter to

-s deck, since we can put 2 Immos and 2 Novas there. But only then if they Fractal only Devourers but not Vampires (they have both, frac-devourers deck and frac-devourers-vampires deck). Not good against

, but may be playble against

6 A duo with

. Good against

(I took some Pandemoniums too) and good against almost everything.
7 Earthquake deck. Playable against

8. Flying Titans. Against


. Maybe with some additional Pillars even ok against

9. Flying Owls. Best against

, but losing this deck would suck alot.
10. Firefly queen deck. Surprisingly

doesn't have a good counter for it. Also


could be in trouble. Now depends on overall stategy if we play this deck against


- the latter choice would be more risky but more more ambitious. A little too risky is to play it against

though, because of fractal-devourers.
11. UG deck. I am aware that

has some problems with the permanent control, but if they have poison, they maybe even won't need it. Shortly, different combos with UG are slow and poison kills that deck often.
12. A Dragon-Miracle Spam. A good deck against

13. Blackhole deck. Underworld will meet that.
13. Monos with some Deflags. Well, if there is nothing more to play...
Shortly, I don't know what to choose