I'm gonna edit this post as I build decks and put together my thoughts:
Flying Titans - I still think we need to build with the goal of beating both Fire Stall and their rushes. Playing to beat one or the other either results in an awesome mindgate win or in disaster, if we can get a deck that wins 70% in either matchup we're far better off than even a 90% winrate against one match and an autoloss in the other (All these arguements can be set aside if there's a truly compelling reason to think they'll favour one deck or the other against us.
Note: The Flying Titans deck I suggested should be able to beat both Firestall and their Rushes - but I haven't done any testing yet. I think kev's lightstall suggestion is valid too - however I'm not sure we'll have enough quanta to be able to run it this round.
- Just as a response to kev - Time won with one novabow and lost with a 2nd last round -
here's their winner
I like the Bone Air play here - although I'd like an alternative option as well.
- I agree with kev - for the same reasons I did last round - Hurricane is my vote here too.
- Denial Bow is a possibility - but needs to be tested.
- Fractalagons is barely salvageable - Taking Fractal from the deck denies us recovering damsels - which in turn forces us to recover more pillars from the Shadow Dragons deck losing out on recovering dragons. I don't think the cost is worth it. If we could still run a Fractal Damsels deck it would be worth considering, but recovering Fractals means we have only 3 Dragonflies in the Vault.
I expect they'll try to counter our light stall - they don't truely have a break deck that they've shown - PUagons would be the closest they could come - and while they could run a 50 card Diss Shield stall we've shown so much bypass damage that its kinda a crazy deck to go with. My expectation is that they salvage Fractal from last round and run PUagons with 2 Fractal for an ability break stalls. The question is what deck can we run that wins this matchup - and still beats Discord? I suspect our Grabbow can likely outrush it (but this needs testing) - RT Splash is also a possibility
- I don't have a clue yet - I've been considering Bone Air - RT Splash - and the Grabbow from last round.