The sad truth is that we need 7 decks in our vault. We can't overlap cards because a deck is done for when it loses. Here are other options.
Basically we have to run a 1-Dragon Dim OTK. We will have 1 Dragon (upped), 3 PUs, and 1 Fractal. For something with only 1 non-pendulum Air card, it's a pretty decent deck. If they have no way to get past Dims, we outstall, OTK, and win. If they do, it's hopeless. This means we have to get rid of 1 dragon.
We have a few options for our final deck. We could build Immo if we held off 6 Dragonflies and replaced them with pillars. We could make a BoneBolt if we had more shockwaves. Or a Bone Flying OE. We might be able to manage a Light Stall without hurting ourselves too much. I don't think we have other options. I'll look at this in more depth tomorrow.
We're going to have to weaken this round's decks a little to be able to reach 7 full decks, but it will be worth it in the long run when we pick up more losses.
But, whatever. If we still have 7 decent decks by round 4, we're better off than most, if not every team.