Sorry but I don't understand at all, why there is 3 Owls? You will meet a quantum denial deck almost in any case and all you should care about is to get fractal-hope up as soon as possible. You should consider if you need Owls Eye there at all or put a Miracle in you deck instead. And you should have more than 30 cards there because of their Phase Shield deck. And Air is needed more than aether, that was one of the reasons I lost with this one. Anyway, I'll change that.
Glowing Ice, UG deck is now too slow and risky. Entopy has played 2 perm control decks out of 3 against us by now and they probably they would like to play some Butterflies and Steals again, which just crushes this deck. Let's wait a bit with UG. I already put a deck up for you.
Dogg, all you can do is just to pray that they won't play Frac-Devourers against us. That is actually possible, because they haven't played that yet. I made the deck a bit smaller to have you more quanta.
Gyrodiot, there is 3 Butterflies in you deck. If you have quanta and you don't have nothing better to do, you could start to destroy Pillars.
Chum, you should destroy Aether Pillars and Pendulums, in order to avoid Fractals and shields.