jenkar is selling all of us to darkness and starts calling himself TorB
I think this is the order we want. Jenkar, could you put this in your original post? We likely need a different format, I haven't read into that much.1 - Jenkar - General2 - regen2k9 - Assassin3 - RootRanger - Strategist4 - Silver - Scout5 - Hyroen - Lieutenant6 - AnnaMall - SalvagerI put regen at 2 so he uses the Discord Bow against Darkness, as he has tested with that some. I'm at 3 because I would like to play Light. Silver is at 4 so he uses the Stall against Entropy, as he has tested the Stall some. Hyroen is at 5 because we want the extra ups in our LS Drags against Aether. However, if we decide to use Flying Titans against Aether, Hyro will go in spot 2 so we can use the extra ups in our rainbow against Darkness. We have our salvager in spot 6 because our game against Time is the one we feel most confident about (besides our Immo against Earth.)
Quote from: RootRanger on April 28, 2012, 12:04:54 amI think this is the order we want. Jenkar, could you put this in your original post? We likely need a different format, I haven't read into that much.1 - Jenkar - General2 - regen2k9 - Assassin3 - RootRanger - Strategist4 - Silver - Scout5 - Hyroen - Lieutenant6 - AnnaMall - SalvagerI put regen at 2 so he uses the Discord Bow against Darkness, as he has tested with that some. I'm at 3 because I would like to play Light. Silver is at 4 so he uses the Stall against Entropy, as he has tested the Stall some. Hyroen is at 5 because we want the extra ups in our LS Drags against Aether. However, if we decide to use Flying Titans against Aether, Hyro will go in spot 2 so we can use the extra ups in our rainbow against Darkness. We have our salvager in spot 6 because our game against Time is the one we feel most confident about (besides our Immo against Earth.)Placing here for organization.EDIT: We may want to scrap that other thread completely to keep everything on the same page.