In total we have 369 cards to play around with before any other propaganda bonues. (If needed, we can add a few more novas/whatever from this).
That is a grand total of 12! 30 card decks. (and 9 spare cards, probably pendulums, or rewinds/ect to splash in our monos).
Eventually we're going to have to decide how many decks we want to serve each purpose, and which ones. (I doubt we will be using two
exact copies of anything. Maybe two entropy/darkness/rainbows, but all of those are already 6 decks!)
Sample. Not to be taken with any weight whatsoever.
2 x Grabbow
2 x Darkness Duo
1 x Entropy Duo
1 x Death Duo (Spiders)
1 x Light Stall (
40-42 cards!!!)
1 x Life Duo
1 x Flying Tridents
1 x Fire Duo
1 x Air Rush (w/ Deflags)
11 decks. Looking up at that, I would say that it's wrong, we would probably want two Air decks, and the Life/Water/Light duos (which are unnamed and unspecific) could be anything else, and could be tweaked with. It doesn't include a lot of decks I want to put in, but it shows the general idea of what we are going to have to do.
I like Perves strategy idea - if we do that, R2 they will be expecting all the War #2 greats, and we can bust out some new styles

(I have to confess that the flying Trident deck was actually one of Legit's, given to me before the War. I just threw it into my brainstorming PM, and copied pasted it without crediting. whoops, good job Legit!)
Just some basic strategy notes in terms of deckbuilding - try to use

pendulums when applicaple, because they can be reused in every other Duo, while life pendulums can only be used with life. (Also helps to reach the 50% air cards rule which we're bound by)
I like the nightmares in the darkness duo, as well as the fireflies to duo with light. I'd be a little hesitant using Immolations though-specially with Phoenixes, with the nerf coming up and such.
@TuckingFypo (If I was a couple seconds faster I wouldn't even be writing this

I've been thinking that we will likely face Ghostmare from Darkness (and possibly time), who know its a strong deck and know rewinds are powerful vs Air.
Grabbows are hugely popular, although being team Air I don't know how many we'll be facing. Poison stalls are as popular as ever though, and I think we might go against a few of them.
Looking through round 1 of last war, Team Air went up against:

Miracle Ice Bolt Stall

Fractal Scarabs (rainbow, with 3 RTs)

Duo with Otyughs Chargers, Momentum, carpace adren scorps.

Stone Skin stall

EQ devs Gargoyles

TU dragons and dimshields

Fractal chargers and dimshields . And that seems to be it. Not an accurate indication of what teams this time will use though.