Its probably a good idea for noobiecakes or anyone taking a bonewall deck to have 31-32 cards because it can end up in a deckout situation. I also agree that the upgrades aren't particularly needed.
Currently we have 3 arsenics in decks and only 2 in the vault. I don't think it is necessary in the bonewall deck. If we decide it is then I have to take another deck because I think 2 are definitely necessary in the wings/poison deck.
In Morm's match against light I think a deck that beats stalls is better than one that beats rushes. Air is generally considered a rush busting element so even though light rush is something that is tough against air, the idea is there that stalls are better against air.
Against water we could try a discord/antimatter deck. In my previous post I said titans but I realize that isn't very smart because they can freeze them in so many different ways. Discord/antimatter should be solid unless they do a light/water stall with sanctuary which is actually quite possible. I don't know what else unless we take discord/antimatter against life and a quinted dragons deck against water.
I agree with the above. Noobiecakes, my chosen deck is the one I tested, I feel confident it can work. It's about 50-50 really. They won't see it coming, I hope. So I'll use that and if anyone has suggestions on improving it, please do share them. Even quanta balancing things or anything.
About the arsenics, I think one more OE is worth more than an arsenic in the bonewall deck.
I suggest not taking entropy against life, because they can rush effectively with low cost cards, and have rustlers.
I still have no ideas for water, though...
EDIT: what about taking Fireflys against Life? And quinted spiders for water...