End round6 deckbuilding
Round 6
Available decks
Denial bow
gimped bonair
gimped sancstall
flying tits
Fire Duo *(from Salvage)
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z15f6z15f7z15ofz25omz25oozD5puz37dk8poJen-i vs UTAlan Aether
Initial Testing looks like this (as a Strategist Deck) beats everything they ran in the last two rounds except Pestal and RoL/Hope
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=zD5ocz55ofz15ogz25upz25v1z27muz17tb8ptHere's the Build I think I'd like to go with:
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=zA5ocz55ofz15ogz15olz25puz25upz25v1z27muz17tb8ptBeats everything they've used in the last 3 rounds (either 3-0 or 4-1) except:
1) Decks running PU
2) Pestal - this will require further testing
Jen's Build - I'll add 3 more cards once everyone else has their decks chosen
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=zA5ocz55ofz15ogz25puz25upz25v1z27muz17tb8ptGen. kev vs Gen. majofa Water
Catatits beat more or less all they got except darkduo and I see that coming our way.
Denial bow lose to darkduo, struggles with the air duo and the earth duo. The assumtion they are going to show gimped Q in all decks is false imo, they will suicide 1 match and make 4 solid decks if it comes to that - I see the option more as suicide twice and build 3 solid decks - or go "light" on quanta like we did last reound and get 4 builds in i see
Do we agree that they either send Dims or PC?
Bloom vs Gen. PlayerOa Time
I've been thinking about Hurricane as a good option vs grabbow & pharoahbow
Also as Jen pointed out, they may not have RT left in their vault, so I'm also considering acceltits. crushed by GnG
4-1vs pharaohbow and 4-1 vs GnG. In reverse goes 2-3 vs GnG(eternity and EQ hurt if played right). maybe upp Q sources for EQ resistance? Isn't it the water quanta that's more heavily strained than air? Upping the Air pends doesn't help water production. This isn't optimal, but we have water pillar/pends as a potential salvage, and we could take more fire bolts from the death/fire duo (instead of phoenix) to replace the ones not salvaged from the water/fire (for 3 water pillars) the point of upping pends is to make a seperate stack to be EQed seperately, water Q help in that direction as well ahh forgot about that
Are there any other decks we have that stand well against EQ GnG? maybe a gimped dfly BoneAir
Modded Denial Bow
This went 5-0 vs their Discord bow (4-1 in Reverse)
It also went 4-1 against their Ghosts & Grabbies deck (no reverse testing yet 7-13 :/)
It should beat their Ghostal deck - go go by pass damage
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=4vhz44vjz24vlz95ocz15ofz15og5oiz15on5p0z177j7ng8pjAttractive results
This might be a viable alternative (the damsels need to be played somewhere)
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=4vhz44vjz24vlz65ocz25odz15ofz15og5oiz15on5p0z177j7ng8pj67.5 vs bow,77 vs GnG
If they aren't used elsewhere, it's a good idea. But I don't like using Lt. or relics on it. Unupped dfly also benefits us by not messing with the mulligan, and it EQ protects all the same. Only 1 pillar/nova is needed to play unupped fly. - Does just fine in testing with unupped flies. Even won without Nymph in 19 cards vs GnG. (4-1) AI plays pillars stupidly in reverse testing, and still wins maybe 50%. Eternity is usually a loss without fast Disco + EQ. I'd like to get real testing done on this.
Reverse vs GnG 5/5=drastic improovement from 7/13
All time decks go for 11+Q sources (11 is for the bow!!!) EQ seem not to offer great returns. In my testing, EQ was gamebreaking when paired with Discord & used timely.Used timely is relevant since you need 2 novas and 2/30 chances to have them in hand early When used on Time pillar stack vs GnG, it was able to shut down Eternity if in play
Modded it a bit and went 6-0rev vs GnG, 5-1rev vs pharaoh bow
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=4vhz44vjz24vl590z65ocz15ofz15og5oiz15on5p05v1z27mt7ng8pj74 vs bow,83 vs GnG
Not sure about NM pros: nice insta dmg and heal vs GnG, can slow ghostal a bit. Would like a piece of PC for dim chain/eternity but...
Elbirn vs Gen. glennfoo Fire
fire is at THE sweetspot for 1 deck
decks to test against:
I liek, but...Only 3 T storms?
...I can't count, thanks
notes: lose to mono duo to slow Q for BW, needs draw consistency (maybe -poisons?)
3-0 (3-1REV)vs dark duo,3-1 vs immorush(ai wont immo MP), 0-3 (1-3REV)vs mono, 3-2 vs firestall, vs bonebolt
Jen's Suggested Build - tested a little against their Mono and their BW decks (4-1 for both)
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z452oz15ocz15ofz25ohz15oiz65puz171az371bz27mt8pkJen also thinks Sanc Stall is a viable option here:
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z25liz55lmz35ohz15oiz35olz55onzB5puz17k0z27mt8pqTesting says it beats their Miracle deck with ease
My brain tells me it should beat the Bone Wall deck too
Testing says it lays the smack down on the immo deck
It beats the Dark Duo - I didn't write down my stats but something like 6 or 7 games in 10
It losses consistently to their Mono - no means to counter both Fahrenheit and their Bolts Their farenheit count will not be more then 1-2max
El's testing. Using Jen's suggested build (Bonewall), running against mauls list of decks glenn can run.
2-0 Vs. Mono Fire W/ Miracles.
Iffy on this one. Won 1st game due to AI mistakes and lucky lack of enemy CC. Won 2nd game by a hair; nearly decked out by miracles. I think a smarter opponent would have won easily, and I have a feeling I'll see that in reverse testing. With this being their strongest optiion, I feel like something like this deck is likely to be seen.
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z45f0z55f4z25f6z25fcz75gi7dnz27dr7f2z27k28pq2-0 Vs. Immobow
See above. With AI not immolating phoenixes (Phoenicie? Phoenicians? Phooey.), Reverse Testing will need to be done.
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/cache/z35f05f2z15f6z45f9z15faz25fbz35giz57ds7n07tb80a8po.jpg3-0 Vs. Dark Duo
Last game came a bit closer due to early quanta strain, but I'm confident against this one.
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z14soz35f05f2z25f4z15f6z55fcz45giz15up7f27t87t9z17tb8pt2-0 Vs. Mono Fire
No game was really ever close, I'd call this a success.
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/cache/z14soz25f05f2z55f4z25f7z55fcz37dgz47f28po.jpg3-0 Vs. Phoenix Bones
Not a bad matchup, last game a bit close.
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/cache/z252rz55f0z55f4z25fbz35fcz65gi71a8pk.jpghttp://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z15f6z15f7z25omz25oozC5puz37dkz27mt8poJen Test this @ -2 Fahren +2 Bolts
@ -2 Q +2 OE
and both
Elbirn: That was my initial impression, but I'm also not opposed to the sancstall, but since I haven't tested that myself I'm hesitant. If it's really as simple as "Boneair beats everything but miracles, sancstall beats everything but mono fire", thennnn it basically comes down to which deck I'm more likely to face.
15:28 kev: yes indeed. so uh... good luck with that.
15:28 kev: sup Bloom
15:28 Elbirn:
15:29 kev: Elb: if you have time to test the sancstall it may become clear in your head which is better.
15:30 annamall: sancstall may be losing to darkduo and heavy defl faren deck
15:31 Elbirn: I do like boneair for the deflag resistance. Have fun wasting cards on bones, glenn.
justaburd vs Anthraxx Entropy
Testing at 70% vs Entropy's Grabbows
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z15f6z15f7z15ofz25omz25oozD5puz37dk8poI think this might be our best bet
I tested a version with +2 Fog +1 Dragon -3 Wings vs their Dim/PUagons earlier and had an 80% win rate (removing the dragons is probably a good thing, them TUing my dragons sucked)
another suggestion vs entropy
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z44vjz35lmz35oc5odz15ogz15oiz15olz15p0z35pu77g7k07k27t98pqbeats dim pugons in real testing, 2-3 vs grabbow,5-2 vs pandebow (3-1REV)
I'm having some success in testing with this against both the grabbow & the Dim/PU decks from last round
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z25f6zD5ocz25oiz35ol5omz25ooz15p08po70% vs Entropy's Grabbows:
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=zB5ocz25ofz15ohz45puz25upz15v1z27mv8pt - 17 quanta sources will be expensive (we can afford to average 13 per deck before we are forced to do some serious discarding)
this is our most versatile deck and as strat vs aether i expect to handle most of their decks
yep. it all comes down to what aether sends. as i'm expecting them to send a grabbow or maybe fractix, i like the Dark splash elsewhere I see
Tested bonair vs entropy and did not manage to beat their bows in reverse, disco seems to delay BW enough to make it useless with the army of unevolved/butied grabboids
Tested 80% against their grabbows: (In reverse)
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/deck/?deck=z35ibz35iez15ofz45onz25oozA5puz27mt8ppit beats their Dim PuAgon decks - but only while the AI is playing them