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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #204 on: June 13, 2010, 11:44:26 pm »
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needz some tweaking, but i EMED Seism and  killed FQ and graviton.

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #205 on: June 14, 2010, 12:08:49 am »
Im thinking this is OP, i went through 4 gods easily. I only went below 90 health once vs Seism, and never touched 90 or lower vs destiny.

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #206 on: June 14, 2010, 03:08:56 am »
As for Marvaddin's points:
1. Fog Shield + Wings at the same time would be too powerful. Fog Shield is quite good in itself and it would give you enough time to play Wings, then you'd receive almost no damage, unless your opponent has mostly airborn creatures, but then you don't play wings.

2. As it is right now is good enough. Flying does look like a passive ability to me, while having a number of passive abilities (or faking it with a separate ability for each combination) solves the problem.

3. That's the change I'd like to see. In fact weapons do deal a lot of damage when compared to creatures. Some decks, can kill with only a weapon (Fahrenheit, Titan, Morning Glory, Arsenic, Vampire Dagger, Eagle Eye are great for that, but even Poseidon denial works). The fact that weapons avoid a number of shields already (eg. procrastination, gravity shield, cannot be frozen by permafrost) already makes them better at dealing damage than dragons in many cases.
1. I know this could be powerful, its because of this I think it should have a great cost to activate, so you need Air being at least a 2nd element in a duo, and it would still require a good amount of quanta. Expensive, but you are paying for a 2nd protection, so its ok. Mono Air could pay for it + Fog? Yes, but lets remember it couldnt protect them, and Air creatures, usually weak, are also affected by enemy shield, without having a way to counter. Mono Air cant even use FFQ. And it is still vulnerable to some creatures, magic, weapons (I hope)... In fact, Im suggesting this for 2 reasons: a) I dislike the way Steal replaces a useful shield for something that is vulnerable to Air creatures, and currently, just to Air weapon. This is an advantage I dont think should come together to the card. b) I dont think "Wings" fit to the shield theme. Like said, if its a Levitation Shield, I would be much more content. I think "Wings" could be a good name to a spell that makes a creature Airborne.

2. I would say: "As it is right now is good enough RIGHT NOW." The point about having "types" of creatures, in this case, based on locomotion, or place on a real battlefield, is, beyond that it being logical, it makes easier the evolution of the game. So we can have an entire set of cards, like "Tremor: kills underground cretures; deal 2 damage to ground creatures"; "Plane disruption: all immortal creatures get +1/-1"; "Spike Trap: kill a ground creature". These are just some silly examples I have thought in 2 mins just now. Its the game evolution, or at least looks like it is, because now we have a new entire class of creatures, the airborne ones. But maybe this discussion is in the wrong place, maybe I should use the suggestion forum, because its more relevant than the discussion about 1 card, I know.

3. Good that we agree about that. At least, all deck that uses a weapon has a chance. :D

But the battles are turn based. So I attack, then you attack. So I attack and fly down. Then I go back up, and you attack, its not I come down and attack, and then we battle, and then I come back up.
What are we talking about here? Making it more realistic? Because hit something that its flying with a sword is not realistic? Well, so I can assume that a real fight wouldnt be turn based, lol. If the flying elemental can use its weapon, of course the one being attacked will retaliate. And because I dislike an auto lose to a single card, I think allowing damage to all weapons is fair to the game.

Im thinking this is OP, i went through 4 gods easily. I only went below 90 health once vs Seism, and never touched 90 or lower vs destiny.
Impressive! But looking at the list of "airborne" creatures, its obvious that some Gods cant beat this shield. This is not the 1st time it happens, however. Decay lose to Jade Shield. Osiris, before getting a stronger deck, was an auto lose against Diamond Shield. This still can be OP, of course, because looks like a bigger amount of goods cant defeat it. But, can this deck defeat Miracle, for example? Or Paradox? Looks like the classic rock-paper-scissors case. RoL Fractal and Hope is strong vs Divine Glory, and Rainbow is not, nor this one. This is strong vs Seism, others are not... What Im saying is, can the deck be really effective against a wide spread of FG? We need more tests before saying its OP.

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #207 on: June 14, 2010, 06:55:41 am »
needz some tweaking, but i EMED Seism and  killed FQ and graviton.
How Wings had any effect on FQ ???

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #208 on: June 14, 2010, 07:01:33 am »
I agree all weapons or most weapons should be able to reach the shield
I also believe momentum shouldnt be loboed to make it stand a bigger chance against this....
Eagles eye really is the only actual "ranged weapon" though. It really wouldnt make sense for a giant mace (pulverizer) to be able to hit someone flying in the air. In my view the shield and sword, YOU playing as the elemental are actually holding
i didn't mean this.

I mean zanz must change some weapons for example, pulverizer with a catapult, druidic staff = druidic slingshot, etc

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #209 on: June 14, 2010, 11:12:05 am »
needz some tweaking, but i EMED Seism and  killed FQ and graviton.
How Wings had any effect on FQ ???
I think he just killed the creatures with EE's
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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #210 on: June 14, 2010, 12:07:16 pm »
I agree all weapons or most weapons should be able to reach the shield
I also believe momentum shouldnt be loboed to make it stand a bigger chance against this....
Eagles eye really is the only actual "ranged weapon" though. It really wouldnt make sense for a giant mace (pulverizer) to be able to hit someone flying in the air. In my view the shield and sword, YOU playing as the elemental are actually holding
Neither does it make sense to shoot with a bow while holding a bone wall... :P
Considering whether it makes sense or not isnt helpful.
You are an element, a "non-material thing", so arent you as element flying anyway? I mean I dont think that an element is bound to physical laws, its paranormal. If the game would make sense there wouldnt be dragons, elements, etc....
But I wish I could buy a cute Leaf Dragon. (best pet ever) *dreaming*
I'd rather have an elite phase dragon, wouldn't be able to ride it though xD
Why not have it so all elements have their own set of ranged and melee weapons.
where range have active abilities while melee weapons have passive abilities.
Passive being skills you don't have to pay and are always active, and Active abilities are the ones where you pay a certain amount of quanta.
I'd like to change the Lobotomizer/Electrocutor into a Warp Blade, something like a light saber xD  Then have the ranged as a Positron Cannon or something xD

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #211 on: June 14, 2010, 02:38:19 pm »
To put things in perspective on the fg spectrum

NOTE for the creature count, it is showing Creatures that can still hit you/total creatures
I did not take into account unstoppable, and the only time I included weapons was Divine Glory

Gods that HAVE airborne creatures, or momentumed creatures

-Chaos Lord: Maxwells Demon, Amythest Dragon, RoL, Any mutant he is lucky enough to get, Has unstoppable (8/14)
-Dark Matter: Massive Dragon, Elite Charger, Titan, has Unstoppable (9/14)
-Decay: None (but Jade shield was already an auto-win for him) (0/6)
-Destiny: Maxwell Demon, and whatever he mutates, and hatches that has airborne (already one of the easiest Gods) (2/10)
-Divine Glory: Flying morning Glories will still pwn you (5/6, only 5 animates)
-Dreamcatcher: Elite Deja Vu, Just be sure you carry a enchant artifact, otherwise your shield wont last long (1/14)
-Elidnis: Forest Spectres, Elite Phase Dragons (9/15)
-Eternal Phoenix: Minor Phoenix, Ruby Dragon (8/8)
-Ferox: Jade Dragon, Leaf Dragon, RoL (16/24)
-Fire Queen: Eagles Eye, Flying Farenhite, Firefly Queen,  Firefly (6/6)
-Gemini:Elite Phase Dragon, Massive Dragon, Has Unstoppable (4/11)
-Graviton: Elite Charger, Has Unstoppable (2/12)
-Hermes:Ruby Dragon, Fire Spectre (just be sure you bring an enchant artifact) (5/15)
-Incarnate:Retrovirus, Vampire (10/14)
-Miracle:Light Dragon, Jade Dragon, Leaf Dragon, Elite Pegasus, Firefly Queen, Firefly (11/11)
-Morte: Ivory Dragon, Retrovirus, RoL, Archangel, Condor (20/21)
-Neptune: Arctic Dragon, Eagles Eye (3/10)
-Obliterator: Basaalt Dragon, Has Unstoppable (5/11)
-Octane: Eagles Eye, Gasses, and Lances Will still kill you (0/0)
-Osiris: Scarabs, Has Unstoppable(0/6, but remember, he spawns scarabs)
-Paradox: RoL, Deja Vu (16/16)
-Rainbow: Forest Spectre, Eagles Eye (just make sure you have a Enchant Artifact) (4/12)
-Scorpio: Artic Dragon, that wont stop him from poisoning you to death though (1/17)
-Seism: Bassalt Dragon, Silurian Dragon (3/14)

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #212 on: June 14, 2010, 04:59:58 pm »
Just a question, would a mono-air deck with wings, owls eyes, and flying weapons be awesome?

(owls eyes would kill anything able to get through the shield for easy win)


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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #213 on: June 14, 2010, 06:21:13 pm »
Just a question, would a mono-air deck with wings, owls eyes, and flying weapons be awesome?

(owls eyes would kill anything able to get through the shield for easy win)
Ignoring Phase Dragons and quinted creatures and opposing owl's eyes ;)
2 of these decks fighting each other would be wierd >_<

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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #214 on: June 15, 2010, 07:44:53 am »
i just tested it out, and i gatta say, im not impressed... unortunately. this card that i thought would be amazing, isnt. out of the 40 matches i played, only 3 of them actually had very little or no airborne cards. making this card almost too situational. life is the only deck i faced and beat with ease. even though i was using dragons and shockwaves..... im sorry, but i doubt i will EVER use this card... (sulks in a corner) /mumbles: chalk up yet another bad air card....
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Re: In Development: Wings | Wings (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #215 on: June 15, 2010, 07:47:52 am »
i just tested it out, and i gatta say, im not impressed... unortunately. this card that i thought would be amazing, isnt. out of the 40 matches i played, only 3 of them actually had very little or no airborne cards. making this card almost too situational. life is the only deck i faced and beat with ease. even though i was using dragons and shockwaves..... im sorry, but i doubt i will EVER use this card... (sulks in a corner) /mumbles: chalk up yet another bad air card....
What did you play this against? What level of AI, that is. I foresee this being less useful in PvE than in PvP. Lots of pvp decks have very few airborne creatures, such as a golem rush which may just pack a couple dragons.

