Sorry, I said that wrong. Shards are 1/14 of a creature per creature you have out. With 14 creatures out you get 1 extra per shard. And going through shields is nice - but unless you have a lot of creatures, don't count on it.
The reason it works better with big creatures is that this card has a cost - 1/14 extra ray of light for 3

is awful, but 1/14 of a ruby dragon for 3

is a much better deal.
In a mono air rush, for example, you're getting a soft counter to dim shields and hope - most of your damage is from diving, or from dragons - other shields won't affect you as much.
With 1 shard of patience out against no shield, a diving elite worm has on average 10.75 attack - yes, it doesn't even increase it 1 point.
Against a 2 damage reduction shield, the worm's attack is on average 9.05 - barely 1 point. This is for 1/2 the quanta it would take to just play another worm. In addition, you're sacrificing card space to put in those shards of freedom - instead you could have an extra pillar to play another creature, or just another creature.