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Elements the Game => Cards => Air => Topic started by: jmizzle7 on January 17, 2010, 02:16:19 am

Title: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: jmizzle7 on January 17, 2010, 02:16:19 am

So, I have this nymph right?

She's a real fine girl, always dresses up, wears this pretty light blue dress all the time. Intelligent, clever, engaging, she's got it all. Pretty nice to look at too, in her mysterious kind of way. Not that I would look at her. I mean, that would just be inappropriate. Even though she is very attractive.

But, she doesn't seem the same around the other girls. It's weird, because they all look like twins, right? I mean, how weird is that? You'd think they would get along. But no, there's a slight problem.

The one wearing the dark blue. She's the ringleader, top in all the subjects, great leadership skills and everything. And she's jealous. She's not strong herself, but with those other girls, they can really pick on her. And she's got them right where she wants them. It's almost as if, she had, created them to do her will or something. No, just kidding, move along, I'm not crazy or anything! Definetely not crazy, no crazy person here.

But together, they make the pretty one in the light blue dress's life quite difficult. She's just not strong enough to stand up to them. Not that it would do much good in this situation. Strength doesn't matter here, the one in the purple dress, she is an abuser she is - you can tell just by the way she walks, she has this... way of making others useless. She kind of blinks her eyelids, does a cute little curtsey and the guy who was about to hit her suddenly decided that then would be a good time to jump off the roof of the school. True story there, I was on lunch duty that day, and watched it all, amazed. Okay, and a little scared. But not much.

There’s this other one, who dresses up in a lush green, who we know is supplying drugs to the school -not that we've been able to prove it- and she always manages to slip this stuff in the nymph's food or drink. I mean, we can tell, because she's got a slight digestion problem. And this stuff just speeds it up. No idea how it does it, I want nothing to do with it.

She’s never asked for help or anything. She seems fine being oppressed, but it pains my heart to see her being victimised, just because of jealousy. I’m not asking for a Miracle here, this girl is worth more than that. She doesn’t need more strength either; it’s not that she needs. Its stamina, and ability to stand up for herself.

So, what I am really asking here is, can you give this poor girl – whose friends are constantly suppressing her talent and ability - one more health. It will give her the strength to stand up for herself. And it will give me joy in knowing that my favourite student will reach her full potential, and also, I want to be able to use 2 unstable gases without her, you know, dying?

(Written for the Christmas Sweepstakes Competition 2010 by DrunkDestroyer)

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Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: Baily18 on January 17, 2010, 02:21:32 am
Pretty good Nymph as long as you Quint it.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: Avenger on January 17, 2010, 09:24:36 am
The generate unstable gas means, this nymph plants an unstable gas permanent?
This seems way OP with QE, you have about 3 turns after this gets played.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: YoYoBro on January 17, 2010, 10:16:30 am
If an air/fire deck has more than 1 of these.. I don't even want to think..
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: bobcamel on January 17, 2010, 11:24:03 am
Lol, she's passing gas

...also, yeah, strong if not too strong unless the gas destroys itself after one use.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: coinich on January 17, 2010, 04:06:35 pm
I think I've heard it does.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: YoYoBro on January 18, 2010, 06:57:07 am
I'm sure the gas is one use only.. or it would be tremendously OP.. 5 gases (gases right?) is an auto win with no reflection?
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: Delreich on January 18, 2010, 12:27:05 pm
Not if they have healing, or permanent destruction, or stone skin / d-shard, or if they kill you first.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: bobcamel on January 18, 2010, 05:18:56 pm
If you stack up all the gas and then ignite it all in one go it is much less stoppable.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: arzoo on January 19, 2010, 12:30:44 am
Not if they have healing, or permanent destruction, or stone skin / d-shard, or if they kill you first.
It's still a lot of damage that bypasses most shields, but yes, it's obviously not unstoppable. Nothing in this game is an instant win.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: Terroking on January 19, 2010, 01:41:09 am
Except of course having a reflective shield yourself with 999 fire quanta, 6 lances, 520  hp, 6 SoG, and 6 miracles. But even then, it is theoretically possible to lose my being killed before you activate your lances
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: RoKetha on January 19, 2010, 08:52:13 pm
Except of course having a reflective shield yourself with 999 fire quanta, 6 lances, 520  hp, 6 SoG, and 6 miracles. But even then, it is theoretically possible to lose my being killed before you activate your lances
That's 30 cards for the last four items, plus an implied 92 earth quanta, and we'll say you only need to kill 100 HP in one shot which means it only takes 134 fire quanta. You'd need a way to pay for miracles as well, and those SoGs have a small cost too.

I'd say you decked out a few turns ago. I'd also say you're cheating since you're holding 6 lances and 6 miracles in a 7 card hand.

Edit: Oh yeah, since you wanted a reflective shield that's another card used up... though you could pull it off against a player who uses a zero-offense dissipation stall deck if you used quantum pillars and Etenity...
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: YoYoBro on January 19, 2010, 09:36:43 pm
If this card is ignited while it's PAed, does the perma-icon bug happen like it used to do for sundial?
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: coinich on January 20, 2010, 01:58:25 am
You mean Volatile Gas?  I don't think this card explodes. :p
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: YoYoBro on January 20, 2010, 05:07:23 pm
Oh yes sorry  :o what did I write?

Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: coinich on January 21, 2010, 01:18:16 am
Well, this is the Blue Nymph thread, not the Volatile Gas thread.  Unless you somehow trigger the creature permanent bug and then PA it, I don't think you can really pull it off. :p
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: Cisz on February 08, 2010, 12:59:16 am
This is no longer in developement (I allready rolled one from the oracle). Move to air cards please. :)
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: tyranim on February 08, 2010, 04:17:47 am
If you stack up all the gas and then ignite it all in one go it is much less stoppable.
um... steal?
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: Cisz on February 08, 2010, 07:01:25 am
Or pulverize them.
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: got a wish on March 11, 2010, 08:03:53 pm
probably one of the best nymphs
Title: Re: New Card: Blue Nymph
Post by: tyranim on March 11, 2010, 10:10:40 pm
it is if you have protect artifact and quint :P
Title: Re: Blue Nymph/Air Nymph
Post by: DietSnapple135 on April 08, 2010, 12:27:37 am
I love this card. Makes for a very powerful, yet hard to build, deck strategy. Very interesting upgrade, too.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph/Air Nymph
Post by: Arondight on April 21, 2010, 06:27:22 am
The next nymph I really want for FGs. I wouldn't use the Unstable Gases to defeat them, though. I would mostly use them as a final touch, mass destruction, and as renewable bait for the FGs to destroy. Wish there were more permanent generating cards that protected your permanents.  :)
Title: Re: Blue Nymph/Air Nymph
Post by: RedRevive on April 21, 2010, 03:46:39 pm
The next nymph I really want for FGs. I wouldn't use the Unstable Gases to defeat them, though. I would mostly use them as a final touch, mass destruction, and as renewable bait for the FGs to destroy. Wish there were more permanent generating cards that protected your permanents.  :)
The renewable bait just made me realize how strong this card would be if you could quint it and play it against any of the PC FGs.  (perma controllers).

Also, has anyone done any testing to see if this is worthy of inclusion in an unstable gas rush deck?  The obvious answer would be yes, but how many nymphs would one need to achieve maximum efficiency in a deck like that?
Title: Re: Blue Nymph/Air Nymph
Post by: Arondight on April 21, 2010, 08:56:49 pm
The next nymph I really want for FGs. I wouldn't use the Unstable Gases to defeat them, though. I would mostly use them as a final touch, mass destruction, and as renewable bait for the FGs to destroy. Wish there were more permanent generating cards that protected your permanents.  :)
The renewable bait just made me realize how strong this card would be if you could quint it and play it against any of the PC FGs.  (perma controllers).

Also, has anyone done any testing to see if this is worthy of inclusion in an unstable gas rush deck?  The obvious answer would be yes, but how many nymphs would one need to achieve maximum efficiency in a deck like that?
Personally, I think Nymphs aren't for rushing, as the alchemical potions are faster. Nymphs are more for the long run, that's why I want it against FGs. Besides, it's risky to keep an Air Nymph on the field while generating permanents that you can't explode or else you risk killing it.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph/Air Nymph
Post by: RedRevive on April 24, 2010, 02:33:57 pm
That's a good point Arondight.  Their expensive cost is almost an antithesis of rush ... oops!    :))
Title: Re: Blue Nymph/Air Nymph
Post by: TheodorCo on October 19, 2010, 06:38:18 pm
Combined with Quintessence it could be fatal .
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Kael Hate on March 12, 2011, 12:21:56 pm
Fortune for Blue Nymph
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Xenocidius on June 24, 2011, 01:12:27 pm
I know it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever, but I still think that Air Nymph should generate an upgraded Unstable Gas. I'm sure all my fellow OCD gamers will agree.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: 1world24 on June 24, 2011, 02:58:16 pm
Where is the convert nymph button when you need it because i want this nymph so much
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Jappert on November 19, 2011, 08:23:55 am
Got one at last!

Wanted to get one from my first (and last!) tourney win but Rasta talked me into getting a mark...
Today the Oracle decided to reward my patience and hand me a Blue Nymph!
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: TheIdioticIdiot on November 19, 2011, 08:31:50 am
Got one at last!

Wanted to get one from my first (and last!) tourney win but Rasta talked me into getting a mark...
Today the Oracle decided to reward my patience and hand me a Blue Nymph!
that's rasta alright...
congratulation on the air nymph, though I am not sure what u would use it for...
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Jappert on November 19, 2011, 08:33:14 am
congratulation on the air nymph, though I am not sure what u would use it for...
War, PvP Events, CCYB or just for fun!
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: PWINCE on November 19, 2011, 06:44:30 pm
i once got really lucky and won this nymph from the oracle then i won a darkness nymph from the oracle the next day
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on November 28, 2011, 08:27:09 pm
I know it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever, but I still think that Air Nymph should generate an upgraded Unstable Gas. I'm sure all my fellow OCD gamers will agree.
I agree completely with this... would just make it far more aesthetically pleasing for me lol (as long as the nymph itself was upped ofc)
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Jeep7up on April 10, 2012, 10:00:29 pm
I want to add airborne to this nymph  :D This is only this air creature without airborne passive skill  :o
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Manatuner on April 28, 2012, 01:11:13 am
This was my 1st nymph from the oracle. It made a great addition to the CCYB deck where the combination of Air Nymph + Quint + Shard of Readiness made it a perpetual gas spewer.
Title: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Xenocidius on May 09, 2012, 07:24:38 am

Stats increased to 6/5 - 7/6 if upgraded. Discuss.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: ralouf on May 09, 2012, 07:28:33 am
The card was already very powerfull, now it's almost unkilable by common CC.. I don't think it's an issue because nymph are marginally played though.

Also I'd have loved to see this nymph beeing airborne.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Picheleiro on May 09, 2012, 08:43:04 am
An arena deck with 5/6 of those will be painful. Like Octane on steroids.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: TheAccuso on May 09, 2012, 08:47:27 am
i've to say i pretty like this general revalutation of nymphs in 1.31, seriously no one was using them concretely
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Scaramanga on May 09, 2012, 10:12:58 am
The charm with this card as it is now is that it doesnt make damage by fighting. Its the gas that kills you. Please dont change that.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: mega plini on May 09, 2012, 11:15:40 am
The upped one seem to be to powerful. it spawns deadly UG's while having a good attack and an amazingly high HP.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Cunning_Wish on May 09, 2012, 12:45:27 pm
I think Its defance should be 3 or 4 .2 is also OK
6 is too high
In CC deck,get a gas per turn,so it can deal 20 damage that ignore shield per turn.

should be neff

A creature can deal great damage per turn,and have high defance,hard to be killed,it is too powerful.
In my opinion,Entropy Gravity Air are 3 greatest nymph
but Air get a huge buff , I think it is unbelieveable.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: RRQJ on May 09, 2012, 03:53:57 pm
I like this buff because now I don't have to always consider adding quints whenever I try to make a blue nymph deck.  Dunno if it's OP though.  The initial buff to 8/9 HP was probably too much.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Avenger on May 09, 2012, 04:30:44 pm
I'm unsure why this buff was needed.  6 hp makes it overly cc resistant.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on May 09, 2012, 04:35:09 pm
I honestly thought it would be best as Armagio type creature setup. Of course nowhere near the 25 HP's, but 6 and 7 are good imo. I just don't like how much attack it has.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: nilsieboy on May 09, 2012, 04:50:50 pm
wow, looking at it's powerful ability it was ok that it had a low attack and defence.
buff wasn't needed and i think it's a bit to strong right now.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Hyroen on May 09, 2012, 06:44:40 pm
Me gusta.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Absol on May 10, 2012, 02:28:13 am
Me gasta.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: whatifidogetcaught? on May 10, 2012, 03:13:26 am
Me gasta.

Ba dum tsssss...
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Hyroen on May 10, 2012, 04:52:07 am

That completely changes the meaning. Now it means: "It uses me".

*shudders* Ooohoohooo. I'm likin' them connotations.
Title: Re: Blue Nymph | Air Nymph
Post by: Ilias22 on August 11, 2012, 12:29:44 pm
Best nymph ever.after the buff cant die in two turns and is very useful !!!I wish i had one :(