I just tested this deck
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against this one
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7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mv 7mv 7n0 7n5 7n8 7n9 7n9 8pr
in trainer and I'm still not entirely sure, but the deck with Wyrms (2) looked a bit more dangerous, because usually it was quicker. Maybe just my Dragon-deck just wasn't good enough or needed more Pillars (perhaps another Tower for Blitz?) , but my Wyrm deck is tested enough against ai3 and should be ok. The main problem with Dragons was that I wasn't able to bring out a Dragon early enough - that means a turn after Wyrm is out - but rather usually 2 turns after Wyrm (or even 2) were already out. The problem could be solved by adding Towers, but then there were some cases when I didn't have enough hitters, since Wyrm deck has 6 Wyrms plus 2 Dragons and 2 Blitzes, but Dragon deck (with additional Towers) only 6 Dragons and 2-3 (depends ho much Towers I used) Blitzes. What concerns pure speed, then Wyrms seemed overall bit quicker than Dragons.
Ok, if I take Wyrms for speed, should I use Dragons or perhaps only Blitzes instead (against ai3)? I think that a good deck could use both: Blitzes are especially good in the Wyrm deck and at the end of the game, when there are many critters out; Dragons are fine at the beginning of the game, when there is additional quanta and playing Blitz would be useless.
I guess that my Wyrm deck is fine against ai3: there is enough speed (Wyrms); also, Wyrms are quite immune to Rewinds and Gravity Shields; there are Dragons that are quite immune to Rain of Fires, Otys and and Scarabs. Owl's Eye is for shooting Otys and Maxwells; Shields, especially Wings, is for gettin EM sometimes.
Btw, some Towers could be replaced with Pends.