Looks pretty good. Three things on my wishlist are:
Max out Deflags.
Max out Bone Walls/Poisons.
Steals, Steals, Steals. Very important.
We need 4 more Deflags and 4 Steals for the former two requests (2 per Devtal). The optional cards we can exchange them for are 4 RT's, 3 Catapults, 3-4 Mummies, 3 Arsenics and 3 Mind Flayers. We only need 2-3 Mummies for Mummytal, and we only have enough Bone Walls for two BoneBolts (though 5 per deck would be better), whereas we have enough other Death cards for 7 BoneBolts (including flying Arses). However, those Death cards can also be used in a stall with Dims. It's just kind of pointless.
We could also use Death pends/pillars for Bone Dragon Fractal, but we can just assume we'll get to salvage them. That means we won't be using Bone Dragon Fractal early, however. I'd like to save a BoneBolt for last this time, depending on how the War goes on. That means we should keep it hidden until the last Round. This is speaking ideally though; it's very possible we'll be pressed to abandon that plan.