Ugh, I'm missing a lot.
I spend a lot of time not playing the actual game ><
Sorry for that. My Com time is kinda being limited by my parents atm, but I can try to get around that whenever I can.
I guess I'll devote some time to getting at least some of the rares ><
Discord 1
Morning Star 3
Miracle 2
Pharaoh 3
Woah, The only set I have 6 of is lobos ><
EDIT: 6 eternities. EDIT: 12
EDIT: 6 pulvies.
EDIT: 6 Fahrenheights EDIT: 12...
EDIT: 6 Titans
EDIT: 6 Tridents
EDIT: 6 Owl's Eyes
EDIT: 6 Druid Staffs
EDIT: 6 Stilettos
EDIT: 6 Squids
EDIT: 6 Arsenics!
I'll update this as I get rares.